Am 17.05.2012 11:48, schrieb Thompson,Paul:

> This is an issue. I have had problems with biblatex.4ht. I have to hunt all 
> over to find the most recent canonical version, and since everything is 
> current on the Internet, multiple versions can all exist at one time. Where 
> is the canonical source for these versions? When directing people to get the 
> "most current version", such directions are helpful.

I too would like to know where the official newest version of
biblatex.4ht is to be obtained. I thought it should be at,
but there I cannot find the version that I am using and which works with
biblatex 1.6.
But I know that
works with To
install: first delete your current version of biblatex, then unpack into your local LaTeX folder, e.g.
/home/miller/texmf/ .

It does not work with biblatex 1.7.

May I suggest that somewhere under
instructions for using tex4ht with biblatex are posted? I have a note
about this on my page, but one cannot find
this through searching the web.


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