Am 19.08.2018 um 13:53 schrieb Michal Hoftich:
When I tried it on a really small file, it worked.  _BUT_ and
this is a big _BUT_, some of the math generated looks really
bad but some look like normal SVG. Here is screen shot

Looking at the HTML, it seems some math was not really
converted to SVG at all, while other was.

I can see it. I am not sure what is the issue, maybe Martin know? The
call to dvisvgm is in the form:

dvisvgm -v 4 -n --exact -c 1.15,1.15 -p 1-5 filename.idv 2> filename.dlog

I can't reproduce the issue at the moment. Could you send me the IDV file or upload it somewhere? Additionally, it would be helpful to know the number of the page containing the broken math fragment.


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