One cold winter's evening in 1975 or was it 1976, the Las Cruces crowd from the Mesilla Valley Grotto were hanging out in my 1973 gas guzzling Dodge Tradesman van drinking beer. Tom asked to join us. Of course, he was welcomed and he climbed in and sat down behind the driver's seat. As host, I asked him if he would like a beer. Sadly, he shook his large head and said, "No." Then I had an inspiration, "Tom, would you like a milk?" His eyes lit up and his mouth grew wide in a broad smile of anticipation and he gratefully replied, "Yes. I would like a milk." I went out into the cold and rustled around in the cooler until I found it. I had remembered that we had brought with us a 4 ounce carton of milk. As I made my way to return to the van, I remembered that Tom used to down a whole gallon of milk for breakfast and I was afraid that my meager offering wouldn't be enough to satisfy him. When I returned to the warmth of the van, I placed that tiny vessel of milk in Tom's large outstretched hands. He was as pleased as if I had given him a whole gallon and he nursed that Lilliputian carton of milk for the rest of the evening as we laughed, talked about caving and our wonderful underground adventures. I do miss him.

Mike Lorimer
San Antonio, Texas

On 4/3/2013 6:06 PM, Jim Evatt wrote:
Those of you who remember Tom Meador, he would have been 70 today.

Those of you who did not know him, you missed a special friend.

Jim Evatt

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Michael D. Lorimer
1826 Mount Joy Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78232
575 644-1763

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