>From David Locklear
( Hit Delete Button as hard as you can )

Most of you are into nature topics.

I saw a cow eat a large snake today.  Not only did he or she seem to enjoy
eating the snake, but acted like it was a routine thing that he or she does.

The article in the link below discusses DNA of bovines.

Some say, we are what we eat.  Maybe eating snakes affects ones DNA ?   It
would seem that if cows routinely eat snakes, then all other such mammals
also like to eat snakes.


There is probably someway to twist this discussion and make it cave
related.  I will let someone else have a go at that.  There are mammals
that spend a lot of time in caves and snakes do like to hang out near cave

I bet it is not healthy for any animal to eat a venomous snake.

David Locklear
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