David #2: Remember that if a chicken can lay an egg it can lay you!


Now on to a movie review: 


“Time Trap”, now available on Netflix, features everything a caver could 
possibly ask for. The hapless spunkalunkers include the necessary two hot 
chicks in tank tops. They are inexplicably well equipped with descending gear 
but no ascending gear. Should have thought of that! But no prob cuz they have 
an endless supply of eternal glow sticks, so many that they toss them around 
like drug deranged teenagers at an all night rave. Whee! 


Far above the light from the entrance flickers, not because they are in a 
disco, but because in the cave time passes more quickly than on the surface. 
All cavers know that. As a result, a year underground passes in approximately 
five seconds! Since they have no ascending gear plucky little Greta Thunberg 
free climbs the pit to discover that climate change has eaten her future, the 
air is bad and all the ropes have rotted! So she climbs back down to discover 
that her little brother “Furby” has been dead for centuries. 


All cavers know that when you are stuck at the bottom of an entrance drop the 
best thing to do is to go further back into the cave, so they do. It was all a 
mistake because there they meet a lost tribe of beardless Pleistocene cave men 
who closely resemble quadrupedal Negroes. The cave men attack the spunkalunkers 
but are diverted when they in turn are attacked by a giant space alien from the 
future. Thus, the spunkalunkers escape.


Back at the bottom of the entrance pit plucky little Greta climbs up again to 
discover that the top of the pit where the air used to be is now the bottom of 
the ocean. She makes the mistake of sticking her hand up into the water and is 
immediately seized by an aqua monster and disappears upwards. Despite broken 
bones the others climb the 80 foot drop to rescue her, whereupon they too are 
seized by the unseen monster. 


All seems lost until all of  the explorers, including those who were previously 
dead, pop up out of the water in a hot tub (Yea!) inside of a space ship taking 
what remains of humanity to Mars for a new start. All others including Donald 
Trump are left behind to perish on the dying planet, so the movie has a happy 


Think I’m making this up? I double dog dare you to watch the movie! But I would 
recommend the ingestion of drugs and/or alcohol first.




From: Texascavers <texascavers-boun...@texascavers.com> On Behalf Of Michael 
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 4:25 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] sort of conservation related


Recycling for the most part is a farce and cost more than making new. If it 
weren't for saving on raw materials and easing a slight load on land fills it 
would be a lark.

Fuel efficient cars ease the pocket book and are better for the environment, 
but the question is this. Thanks to Trump we are for the first time in history 
not dependent on the middle east for fuel. Why is fuel so damn expensive then? 
I'll tell you why. It's because of greed. The domestic supply costs let's say 
$30.00 a barrel. After refining and other related costs our domestic fuel cost 
about 50% less than then the global supply at the pump. Why are our domestic 
suppliers charging us the global per barrel prices instead of their costs plus 
a decent profit. Greed.

Wind energy. I read recently that the cost of manufacturing and maintenance of 
wind turbine energy far exceeds the energy output of the turbine over its 

As for solar energy the carbon footprint for the manufacturing of panels is 
astronomical as is the production of batteries. Then there is the hazardous 
waste of the batteries to contend with. Again doesn't pass muster economically.

Then there is the ethanol fiasco. Production of ethanol is 4 times the price of 
fossil fuel and it ruins the efficiency and longevity of the motors that use 
it. When you burn ethanol what is the by-product left in your engine? Why that 
would be sugar.  Why not just put a pound of sugar in your gas tank with each 
fill up. That's crazy no one would do that. Yes they would we are all forced to 
when using ethanol.

As for the attorneys that offer a defense to criminals. Our system guarantees a 
right to trial and a defense. Someone has to mount the defense and the folks 
that do should give their best effort for each case just as a prosecutor 
should. So that's an asinine correlation to draw.

Being coerced into falsifying time sheets is a cop out and a different name for 
low moral and ethical fortitude. That is the same cop out as when one declares 
that defense attorneys shouldn't do there job or at least shouldn't be allowed 
to mount a bench as judge after the despicable act of defending a criminal to 
ones dead level best.

On to the population of this planet. What is there to say about this. It is a 
factor of basic math. Sustianance grows on an arithmetic ratio and population 
grows on a geometric ratio. Never with twain meet on a gant chart. That's what 
planned parenthood was supposed to take on. Realistic affordability for couples 
wanting to procreate and the pros and cons of children vs ones capability to 
provide for them.

Instead they morphed into a for profit baby killing machine because its 
profitable and informing the would be parents of responsible procreation is not.

As for the problem of needing to share ones space. Be more diligent in 
selection of a flatmate who more closely meets the criteria you wish to have in 
one. Perhaps the criteria was ill concieved. Perhaps the urgency to cover cost 
overruns where the driving force in a hasty decision to generate income rather 
than find a compatible candidate. That answer is to not operate from an 
undercollaterialized position. Thoughtfully create a criteria to be met prior 
to the search for a roommate and stick to the criteria. If urgency to cover 
bills is the driving force than a person is already living beyond their means 
and re-evaluating ones spending habits would add clarity to the dilemma as 
would scrutinizing the means by which one earns a living.

For the most part I enjoy your posts and the innocent manner in which you view 
the world. But you know its dog eat dog out there. And no one is responsible 
for the decisions made in your life but you. Hasty decsions and those made from 
a position of disadvantage will like always add to ones misery rather than 
alleviate any. 

I run my whole rodeo on $1200.00 a month. I have a three bedroom house, a 
vehicle and I manage everything I need and some of what I want. I have simple 
needs with no fluff or extravagance. I repair everything that fails myself. I 
dont eat out nor do it engage women that need maintaince.  I shop everything 
and vehemently pursue any expenditure that is not what I agreed it would be. 
I'll chase $5.00 in a heart beat if an online vendor or other unscrupulous 
company tries to slicker fuck me. And I have 3nough left over to pursue a 
couple of hobbies.

The answer my freind is the manner in which you conduct your affairs. You need 
to increase the influx of capital or re-evaluate the expenditures or both. But 
it's your chicken, we can hold it down for you but you've got to fuck it.



On Mon, Sep 23, 2019, 8:57 PM David <dlocklea...@gmail.com 
<mailto:dlocklea...@gmail.com> > wrote:

We are all conservationist here to some extent, and should be able to discuss

conservation without getting our knickers in a wad, or using the p-word.


Today in the world news, was a young passionate girl giving an official speech 

some sort to the United Nations, I assume which was on behalf of her generation.


Some of you may have seen parts of it or all of it.


Our conservation efforts are likely better in 2019 than what was going on in 


As a self-employed person, I struggle to even recycle the products that I use 

are recyclable.     I made numerous efforts to drive a fuel-efficient car, for 
most of

my adult life.      My V8 Sequoia is now a necessity to survive, although, in 
hindsight it

was a waste to get the 4x4 version. 


There is no way on Earth, I could use public transportation in my daily 
routine.    I wasted

thousands of dollars trying.


As for wind-energy, there is little of that in southeast Texas, and windmills 
kill birds and bats,

and are unsightly on the landscape.     Solar-farms are highly sensitive to 
sand-storms and the

areas with the greatest sun-potential have sand-storms.  


Population growth is a topic nobody seems to want to touch.    We have too many 
humans on

Earth - especially humans who are not in any way trying to make life better for 
their neighbor.

( I do lots of charity work ).    My job is a charity job in a sense.


We have people in our society that proudly drive their trucks intentionally 
spewing fumes into the

air - as if it is a counter-statement.     We have vandals who damage natural 
places, out of boredom

and pure nefarious intentions.


What this young activist does not understand is how capitalism works and the 
private sector and

the public sector, but more importantly how people with low morals end up in 
high places, like being

a judge in a court-room after having spent 10 years helping low-life criminals 
get through the revolving-door

quicker.       I am in the private sector and I have to deal with b.s. up to my 
waist.   Why

just today, a crooked gov't official caused me to waste about $ 10 in gas, out 
of my own pocket.    This 

young lady has never had to work, and see the b.s. that goes on.     At many 
places that I had worked in 

previous years, I was coerced

into forging a time-sheet, over-charging the rich customers to under-charge the 
poor-ones, or maybe even



We do need to plant more trees, but it will be years before those trees grow to 
replace the ones that got

cut down.     It is likely those new trees would be cut down too someday, so 
what is the point ?    Nearly

every tree-planting effort in Houston has been a disaster.    The last big 
drought a few years ago, killed

most of them.


Elon Musk is selling Teslas as fast as he can, but this young lady does not 
understand the economics behind

all that.     Tesla is a crappy choice of a car in southeast Texas.     People 
in southeast Texas need vehicles that 

are 4 feet off the ground, and are bullet-resistant.


There was a big push for ethanol vehicles a few years ago.    That program was 
a disaster in Houston area. 

Millions of buyers here over-payed for the ethanol-compatible cars ( flex-fuel 
), only to find out that it was a

pain in the ***.     Cheaper fuel and more fuel stations and larger fuel-tanks 
in the vehicles was needed.


Light-Rail in Houston has been a disaster and there is talk of ripping it out 
and putting in a dedicated bus lane

in the same spot.     I was in favor of light-rail until I saw how ludicrous 
the management of the projects were,

and the hurt it did to the businesses along the route.


The UN did not "steal this girls dreams."     "The fairy-tales of business 
greed," is what the have-nots always have

said during every revolution, as they over-throw the rich and powerful.       
It is always ironic when a poor person

suddenly becomes rich, how they don't want to pay taxes, and buy Learjets, and 
yachts and have wild-parties.


I am sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with a strange introvert stranger.     This 
effort is due to economic stress, but I have

always wanted to share my living space with someone who was compatible.     I 
do not need a kitchen, nor

bath, nor living room, nor dining room all to myself.    But the practicality 
of it is not feasible.     I need a place

where my teenage daughter can visit, and my girlfriend and other friends and 
relatives.     So I got to figure out

some kind of plan to escape from this situation. 



While I am ranting incoherently,   


One thing America needs to fix is slumlord's.      What is the solution to 
slumlords over-charging people for 

crappy apartments and crappy rental property?     My opinion is hypocritical.   
 I believe slumlords need to 

be held accountable.     But that would cost taxpayer money, and use up 
valuable judicial and law-enforcement

resources.       We need to publicly identify slumlords on the front page of 
every web-site.      But they would

just retaliate against their tenants.    Ironically, the gov't is the biggest 
slumlord in the USA - public housing and

housing for gov't employees and FEMA emergency shelter, etc. is ludicrously 
crappy and taxpayers are over-charged.





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