I have a copy available if you don’t find it, Carl. 


Sent from my iPhone
Jerry Atkinson

> On Apr 24, 2020, at 2:08 PM, Carl Kunath <carl.kun...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
> I’ll check.
> ===ck
> From: Katherine Arens
> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 1:38 PM
> To: Texascavers
> Cc: searos...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Historical Question Re: Pogo
> Carl,
> the TSS archive is presently in boxes, preparatory for the move.  Does 
> someone have a copy of that Reunion publication that could be pdf’ed and 
> circulated?  I could do the work if i could get my hands on it
> k
>> On Apr 24, 2020, at 12:59 PM, Carl Kunath <carl.kun...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
>> What about the Pogo cartoon?
>> That’s an obscure question and has caused several rather ill-informed 
>> conjectures.
>> Without delving into detail, here’s the core of the story:
>> That cartoon was a brief moment of fame for the UT cavers.  When the guide 
>> book was in preparation for the first UT Grotto reunion in 1994, organizers 
>> Mona Hanna and Bill Cronenwett contacted Walt Kelly for permission to 
>> reproduce some of those cartoons in the guide book.  Permission was granted 
>> with no significant strings attached.
>> There is a copy of the 1994 guide book in the TSS archives.  A photo of the 
>> 1994 reunion is on page 136 of the book 50 Years Of Texas Caving.
>> There were two subsequent UT caver reunions in 2004 and 2015 but no guide 
>> books were prepared.  There is a significant photographic record of the 
>> events.  The 2004 Reunion group is pictured on page 498 of the 50 Years 
>> book.  Of that group, five are known to have recently died.
>> Although Bill Helmer was around at the time, he was not involved and the 
>> topic of his photographs is an unrelated sidebar.
>> ===Carl Kunath
>> From: kara posso
>> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 7:48 AM
>> To: Cave Tex ; searos...@gmail.com
>> Subject: [Texascavers] Historical Question
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Below is a message i received from a fellow through the grotto email the 
>> other day. I thought that he would have better luck solving his mystery with 
>> the help of all of you since my institutional knowledge does not go back 
>> this far. Ross is included on this email, please reply to hum or remember to 
>> hit REPLY ALL to keep him on the email chain since he is not signed up on 
>> the listserve.
>> Also Ross, if there is anyway you can share the comic strip (or part of it) 
>> i am sure people would be interested to see!
>> Thanks folks!
>> Kara
>>> My name is Ross Burns, and several people on Facebook suggested that I post 
>>> this question to your group.It concerns spelunking in the Austin area in 
>>> the period of 1953-54.
>>> I am a fan of the old Pogo comic strips by Walt Kelly. He frequently 
>>> mentions real people. events, and groups in the strip. I have been reading 
>>> a recent re-issue of the strips for 1955 and 1956. In a storyline  he 
>>> published beginning in January of 1955, he repeatedly mentions the 
>>> University of Texas Spelunking Team. Partly I know that he loved to play 
>>> with words including spelunking. However the repeated mention of UT and 
>>> Texas over 2 or 3 months, makes me wonder if there was a particular event 
>>> that he was referring to.  Some of the characters are trying to reach the 
>>> team to help rescue a frog that was swallowed by Albert the alligator. So, 
>>> it may have been some sort of rescue or similar event.
>>> Since Kelly wrote the strips well ahead of publication date, he probably 
>>> started this storyline in November or December of 1954.
>>> I would appreciate any information that you might be able to shed on this 
>>> mystery.
>>> Thank you for your time and attention.
>>> Ross Burns
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>>>> This message is from an external sender. Learn more about why this <<
>>>> matters at https://links.utexas.edu/rtyclf.                               
>>>> <<
> ************************
> Katherine Arens, Professor        Phones: Office(512) 232-6363
> ar...@austin.utexas.edu   Dept. Phone:  (512) 471-4123
> Dept. of Germanic Studies     FAX (512) 471-4025
> 2505 University Ave, C3300 Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
> University of Texas at Austin Office:  Burdine 320
> Austin, TX  78712-1802
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