Hello Ross,
Your question about the Pogo strip mentions that Walt Kelly "loved to play with words including spelunking". I once overheard a conversation with a landowner about possible caves on her ranch, and she said "Now what do those people call themselves . . .Spudnuckers?"
Kelly would have liked that one. :-P Logan McNatt

On 4/24/2020 7:48 AM, kara posso wrote:
Hello Everyone,

Below is a message i received from a fellow through the grotto email the other day. I thought that he would have better luck solving his mystery with the help of all of you since my institutional knowledge does not go back this far. Ross is included on this email, please reply to hum or remember to hit REPLY ALL to keep him on the email chain since he is not signed up on the listserve.

Also Ross, if there is anyway you can share the comic strip (or part of it) i am sure people would be interested to see!

Thanks folks!

    My name is Ross Burns, and several people on Facebook suggested
    that I post this question to your group.It concerns spelunking in
    the Austin area in the period of 1953-54.

    I am a fan of the old Pogo comic strips by Walt Kelly. He
    frequently mentions real people. events, and groups in the strip.
    I have been reading a recent re-issue of the strips for 1955 and
    1956. In a storyline  he published beginning in January of 1955,
    he repeatedly mentions the University of Texas Spelunking Team.
    Partly I know that he loved to play with words including
    spelunking. However the repeated mention of UT and Texas over 2 or
    3 months, makes me wonder if there was a particular event that he
    was referring to.  Some of the characters are trying to reach the
    team to help rescue a frog that was swallowed by Albert the
    alligator. So, it may have been some sort of rescue or similar event.

    Since Kelly wrote the strips well ahead of publication date, he
    probably started this storyline in November or December of 1954.

    I would appreciate any information that you might be able to shed
    on this mystery.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Ross Burns

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