On 09/27/2010 08:13 PM, Steffen Hoffmann wrote:
> Olemis Lang wrote:
>> [...]
>> Thnx , I already know. The fact is that `hgsubversion` and `hgsvn`
>> they both use SVN under the hood so, if SVN doesn't work, nothing else
>> will .
> Would you dare to enlighten us on what exactly is not working with
> (t-h.o) SVN and your local SVN client, please?
> In fact I had a hard time cloning t-h.o SVN repo with hgsvn and another
> one, literally took me days, while hgsubversion was a breeze pulling all
> into a repo that got only half as big as the regular "hybrid" ones in a
> few hours.

Can you guys please explain to me why SVN doesn't work for you? I mean,
not in a technical sense, but we you are not simply using it?
What exactly is so much better in Mercurial? I don't know it at all.
Ok, it is distributed and SVN is centralized, but does this make any
difference for a repository like T-H? There are mostly only one or two
people working on a hack. It isn't the Linux kernel.
Maybe you don't want to change your workflow and/or learn the details of
another VC software, which I really understand. I don't want to learn HG
as well :-)

So far I was not seeing any arguments on this list WHY hg is required
("SVN does not work for me" without explanation does not really count).


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