Hi guys,

Lots of notes here on things I found and suggestions for improvements, but
the important one first:

I'm getting the hang of this and have drawn up some cave. It went OK until I
got to a complicated section, with an underlying streamway adn overlying
passages. The streamway needs to be a separate scrap. But I haven't got that
far. One bit of wall wasn't shown. By adding a map-fg colour I could see
that therion is very confused about what is the inside and what is the
outside of the scrap.

Here is the set of files needed to process this example:
including the offending background image.

You can see from the included pdf (also here:

what the problem is. I;ve tried reversing some lines and reading the thbook,
but I don;t know how to fix this. Does it in fact need to be split up into
smaller, simpler scraps? why?

I am hesitant to use smaller scraps on this drawing because none of the
joins work when I just do
join scrap1 scrap2 - it joins lines to the wrong places. I have to use
explicit line ID's, which is really tedious - add line in map editor then
add then to join command in text editor. Being able to graphically describe
joins (at letsfor joins within one .th2 file) would be a really useful

I'll send a separate mail for my other notes.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
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