> This appears to be due to "! Paths 4 and 3 don't intersect."
> But I have 5 aras in this scrap - how on earth do I work out which one is at
> fault? The area 'show' button doesn't seem to work - is that a clue?

??? It should work, I will have a look at it. In any case, we should add source 
position to error report at least to areas.

> Also I'm extrememly annoyed because I drew a load of another scrap but lost
> it somehow. It's the oldproblem of having files open in therion and another
> editor. But So far as I can tell I need to open it in another editor in order
> to edit the names of scraps. (as you say - calling them <filename>_sn is a
> good idea.) Having a .th2 file open in both the text and map editors seems
> to work OK, but I can't find any info on how to search in the text editor?

There is Search & Replace command bar, may be it is just hidden. But in any 
case - having file open both in map and text editor is not a good idea right 
now. Checking timestamps is in the TODO list, I can put it higher priority.

> The 'command preview' window looks like it ought to let you edit commands,
> but it doesn't. It this worked and/or there was a 'search' option in the
> text editor then external editing would not be necessary.

Preview is just preview. It would be too difficult to edit command directly 
there. But there is Search & Select also in map editor, why don't you use it?

Regards, S.

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