
if you define stations in your scrap, you must to name them. When named as in 
centerline, for example A1, A2, A3, etc., it means the scrap data must have 
access to centerline data in the same survey/endsurvey wrapper. <>
survey a
input a.th2
data …
A1 A2

In this example if you use <> as source in .thconfig file 
everything will work and Therion will export map. You may need to define map in 
first level survey to export it.

„input“ means only and only Therion will insert text from another file, nothing 
else. You may do the same if you copy/paste text from .th2 file into .th file 
instead of „input“.

But if you use higher level .th file (index) to input both <> 
and a.th2 file you must change names of stations in .th2 file to A1@a etc. 
Simply because .th2 file is outside of survey "a" and stations have no direct 
access to centerline data but only as centerline in survey „a" data. 

It means if you debug your drawing in first level, but define maps in second 
(index) level, you must change names of your stations or do it by 
-station-names woodoo.

Everything depends on where are defined maps and others objects in 
survey/endsurvey wrapper hierarchy.

Martin S.

> 2. 3. 2018 v 14:39, Nick Bairstow via Therion < 
> <>>:
> Martin, thank you for explaining that clearly, it seems I may have been over 
> complicating things.
> It would though, be nice to understand how the -station-names whoodoo works 
> if only for future reference. I have found some stuff on the Wiki but nothing 
> that makes any sense to me.
> Our data set has only been one level so far and with hindsight we should have 
> done things very differently but at the start of the learning process you can 
> not always see that. Anyway this week we have two levels of data working with 
> the latest stuff so a step forward I think.
> I keep looking at the older stuff and thinking about redoing it to organise 
> it better but then think well it all works, so lets not bother and go for a 
> beer.
> Nick
> From: Therion [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Martin Sluka via Therion
> Sent: 02 March 2018 11:10
> To: List for Therion users < <>>
> Cc: Martin Sluka < <>>
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Error When Adding A new Cave to Master Index
> Nick,
> first off all, Therion is able to work only with unique informations which 
> are in a survey/endsurvey wrapper.
> It means, if you define map outside of the survey/endsurvey wrapper in .th 
> file there must be another higher level survey/endsurvey wrapper which will 
> cover all information Therion needs and which you define as source in 
> .thconfig.
> My way is to use for first level surveys (log of one survey trip) definitions 
> of map(s) inside survey/endsurvey wrapper as I include particular .th2 file 
> there too. So in this survey/endsurvey wrapper are all informations including 
> scrap drawings. In higher level I simply "input" .th file, which means the 
> survey/endsurvey wrapper of higher level has access to all necessary data 
> without -station-names woodoo.
> When I want to define a higher level map I must use scrap_name@survey_name, 
> not only scrap_name. Etc.
> Martin S.
> On Mar 02, 2018, at 11:01 AM, Nick Bairstow via Therion < 
> <>> wrote:
> OK as is normally the case with these things I spotted the error within five 
> minutes of asking for help, but it has raised a another question.
> My problem was quite simply I had no survey/end survey wrapper. I have been 
> using this index file for over two years and never noticed however it has 
> worked perfectly and produced what I needed.
> I now ask why did the <> compile OK with the other 
> 18 surveys listed in it.
> The only difference between the first 18 surveys and the last non-working one 
> was that in each scrap of the 18 previous surveys I used the option 
> -station-names “” “@surveyname”. I was shown this when I started learning 
> Therion but never really new why. When using this option to make any 
> <> compile I have to make sure the map/endmap is 
> outside the survey/endsurvey wrapper.
> With the my latest survey file I did not use the scrap option and just went 
> with the “normal way” with everything in <> within 
> the survey/endsurvey and then the index .th failed due to having no 
> survey/endsurvey wrapper.
> Clearly I do not yet fully understand the process even though I can make 
> things work, so lots more reading I think. Does anyone know of a good 
> explanation somewhere, most thing I read I find a little confusing.
> Also if someone would like to explain the
> -station-names “” “@surveyname” bit I would be very grateful.
> I suspect I’m not the only one to have struggled with this.
> Thanks for the previous answers guys.
> Nick
> From: Therion [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton via Therion
> Sent: 01 March 2018 19:23
> To: 'List for Therion users' < <>>
> Cc: Bruce Mutton < <>>
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Error When Adding A new Cave to Master Index
> Nick
> I’m guessing you have created a map that contains the survey only for your 
> new cave, and a map which contains scraps or maps for your other caves.
> I do this intentionally while I am drawing up a new  piece of passage, then 
> remove the survey map once I am finished.
> Bruce
> From: Therion < <>> 
> On Behalf Of Nick Bairstow via Therion
> Sent: Friday, 2 March 2018 7:38 AM
> To: List for Therion users < <>>
> Cc: Nick Bairstow < <>>
> Subject: [Therion] Error When Adding A new Cave to Master Index
> I have just added a small cave to my main index .th. Everything compiles but 
> the pdf shows the new cave as shots and splays not as the normal walls etc 
> you would expect in a map. All other caves display correctly as intended.
> Has anyone point out what I am doing wrong.
> Nick                                                                    
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