Hash: RIPEMD160

Jelle de Jong wrote:
> Removed the symlink
> rm /home/jelle/Desktop/ -R
> mkdir ~/Desktop
> touch ~/Desktop/text.txt
> File shows directly on the desktop
> rm ~/Desktop -R
> File is not being removed from desktop
> Manually refresh Desktop synchronizes the desktop
> rm /home/jelle/Desktop/ -R
> mkdir ~/test
> ln -s ~/test ~/Desktop
> touch ~/Desktop/test.txt
> File is not shown, had to manually synchronizes the desktop
> Bug !

Why would you expect the desktop to behave properly if you do something
retarded like delete the desktop folder?  If you want to shoot yourself
in the foot, feel free, but don't expect the software to take care of you.

> xfdesktop --reload also does not refresh the desktop
> PS make sure you backupt your Desktop before testing this. Yesterday I
> made a mistake on my ReiserFS 3.6 and I am not been able to recover my
> ASCII text files with importand data. foremost will not find it and
> rebuiling the ReiserFS tree did also not work. I don't now what to do
> now. I am still experimenting on my directly made dd image of the partion.
> Can someone please fill the bug report for xfdesktop for me you may post
> my email for more contact info. I am really feeling down after losing my
> data not a happy new year for me, and I have several deadlines to make.

Um, yeah... if you're going to go and delete files, you're probably not
going to be able to find them again.  Common sense, no?

At any rate, you didn't touch ~/desktop/, did you?  Your files should
still be there.  The only thing I asked you to delete was the symlink,
not any files.


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