Hash: RIPEMD160

Jelle de Jong wrote:
> Lets formulate it different the loss of data had nothing to do with the
> desktop problem it was related to something else.
> The problem here is that the desktop is not being synchronized correctly
> when using a symbolic link as desktop reference.
> Example:
> You have to remove your desktop first to be able to create the symlink,
> you can do this by: rm ~/Desktop/ -R:
> #make a dir to redirect your desktop to
> mkdir ~/test
> #make the symboliclink
> ln -s ~/test ~/Desktop
> #create a file in your desktop
> touch ~/Desktop/test.txt
> #check if your desktop screen is synchronized.
> File test.txt not shown at the desktop and had to manually synchronize
> the desktop (Ctrl+R)
> This is a bug right!

Those steps work properly for me, and test.txt shows up on the desktop
without needing to do a manual refresh with ctrl+r.  So, no, it's
probably not a bug; it's probably a problem with your setup.

Note that I killed xfdesktop before messing with the ~/Desktop
directory, and restarted it after setting up the new symlink.  As I said
before, xfdesktop will not react properly if you delete and recreate the
~/Desktop directory (regardless if it's a symlink or not) while it's
running.  I'm not inclined to change this behavior.

So, for reference, I did:

$ killall xfdesktop
$ mv ~/Desktop ~/Desktop.bak
$ mkdir ~/test
$ ln -s ~/test ~/Desktop
$ xfdesktop &
# (wait for xfdesktop to start)
$ touch ~/Desktop/test.txt

And that worked fine for me: test.txt icon appeared shortly after I
executed that last command.


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