Jelle de Jong wrote:
> Thunar launcher does not behave as I think it should
> Linux xubuntu 6.10
> Go to the desktop:
> Right clink -> Create launcher..
> Name: bla
> wait for a few secs -> Things are now popping up that I can't explain.
> Comment: blabla
> Command: xterm
> -> Press create button
> Test it by executing the launcher it should open xterm
> Now go with thunar to the location where the launcher is located.
> In my case the launcher is on the desktop so i go there, I do:
> thunar ~/Desktop
> Copy the launcher and past it two times:
> Normally if you copy a file it will show the file name and extension:
> But now it will just show the launchers three times.
> Now rename the all the created launchers to:
> bla one
> bla two
> bla three
> You would expect that the file names have changed but they did not.
> Lest see what really is going on:
> ls ~/Desktop | grep bla
> shows:
> bla.desktop
> copy of bla.desktop
> another copy of bla.desktop

This is the expected behavior. Renaming .desktop files changes the Name
entry, not the file name.

> If you want to correct the names you now have to manually open en save
> them in a text editor or with the command line tools.

Why would you want to? The file name of a .desktop file doesn't matter
at all. The only thing that matters is that each file has a unique name,
 and Thunar takes care of this.

> Create a new launcher the input field name will become only the name of
> the file not both the name and a entry in the launcher file. Separate
> the file name from the launcher name entry.

Sure, but why would you complicate things? As said, the file name is
irrelevant for launchers.

> By the Icon make it possible
> to paste a link directly to select a icon. Crtl + L in the dialog
> doesn't work great.

Err, what?

> Now on the desktop you can remove the extension *.desktop from being
> shown. But in thunar it will be show like with every other file.

Both Thunar and xfdesktop will hide the .desktop extension, except for
.desktop files identified as malware.

> If you copy and rename files with thunar or with a command line tool.
> The name of the launcher will change with it and not only the entry
> field in the launcher file. If you want to change the name entry field
> you have to edit the launcher.

That'd be a bug. Rename in Thunar/xfdesktop will only change the Name
field, but never the file name.

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