Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Jelle de Jong wrote:
>>>> It is a little bit as when you add a launcher to the panel. Is the
>>>> example clear enough? Can this be created?
>>> To sum up: You want to set the file name?
>> No that just a part of it. Also changes in the way a icon can be given.
>> Did you see the problem when you type bla as name? (xubuntu 6.10).
>> I gave the example in the other post but its not in this message anymore.
> I don't have Xubuntu, but I doubt that Jani changed anything here in the
> upstream sources. But, again:

I made a screenshot of what happens it is in the attachments.

> (a) The file name of a .desktop file is irrelevant. You don't need it,
> simply because one doesn't look at them as regular files (tho from the
> file systems POV they're of course regular files), but as application
> launchers. Adding file name here simply decreases usability, as it
> presents useless (redundant) information.

If I look at my desktop directory I have several different launchers
with different launcher names and different functions.

Now If I open a tool like gftp or simply browse with my terminal in my
desktop directory. I see all those strange file name's by the *.desktop.
That don't make sens at all things like "set multiplier.desktop" for a
launcer that starts a music program and stuff like that. I now how this
comes and it would be nice to have a file name entry in the launcher editor.

> (b) Why would you want to replace the nice and easy to use icon selector
> with an ugly entry box? You may have missed the Thunar/Xfce motto "Keep
> it simple".

My motto is keep it simple,effective,stable,fast,free,open,good coded,
good unusably good support and bug free. :-D

So If I have a file with a link to a image I just want to be able to
past it in a icon edit field and have the icon of my choice.

I made a screenshot of a example of what it good be.

> Concerning the "bla" name. I did so, but I don't see anything special.

I made a screenshot of what happens it is by the attachments.

I hope this helps?

> Benedikt
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