Jelle de Jong wrote:
>>> It is a little bit as when you add a launcher to the panel. Is the
>>> example clear enough? Can this be created?
>> To sum up: You want to set the file name?
> No that just a part of it. Also changes in the way a icon can be given.
> Did you see the problem when you type bla as name? (xubuntu 6.10).
> I gave the example in the other post but its not in this message anymore.

I don't have Xubuntu, but I doubt that Jani changed anything here in the
upstream sources. But, again:

(a) The file name of a .desktop file is irrelevant. You don't need it,
simply because one doesn't look at them as regular files (tho from the
file systems POV they're of course regular files), but as application
launchers. Adding file name here simply decreases usability, as it
presents useless (redundant) information.

(b) Why would you want to replace the nice and easy to use icon selector
with an ugly entry box? You may have missed the Thunar/Xfce motto "Keep
it simple".

Concerning the "bla" name. I did so, but I don't see anything special.

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