On Jun 11, 8:20 pm, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Followup on:  TiddlyWeb from an usb 
> stick?http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/7d884c...
> Just a question out of curiousity - I discovered web2pyhttp://www.web2py.com/
> which comes prepackaged for Mac and Windows, (use source code in
> Linux) no need for installation and it can be run from an usb-stick.

These sorts of things will eventually be possible with TiddlyWeb but a
pre-packaged distribution hasn't been built yet. There's at least
three reasons for that:

* I've been personally prioritizing other things.
* Nobody else has stepped forward to do it.
* We're still finding bugs in the core of TiddlyWeb and since it seems
likely that a pre-packaged installation will be upgraded less often
than one that uses common Python upgrade procedures, it makes sense to
not have one available until it is fairly stable. Right now there's a
new release of TiddlyWeb about once a week (in fact it is time for
another one).

> I've never went as far as to learn to use ruby on rails or python. And
> I wonder if I have to know a lot about these things to be able to use
> TiddlyWeb?

At the moment, working with TiddlyWeb does require some experience
with running and installing Python programs. This will become less and
less true with time as packaging improves (as above) and as people
start releasing system that are build on top of TiddlyWeb.

Also at some point managed server hosting of TiddlyWeb is going to be
possible. This is something I've been working on, on and off, for a
while, but there are still some UI issues and scalability issues to
address. If there are people out there who are chomping at the bit for
a hosted TiddlyWeb offering please contact me so we can work on this

> - Anyway, I've read that the Jquery library is a part of
> web2py, and that you can setup your own applications and databases -
> and serve html-pages from it - so I ask:  Has anyone tried to setup
> TiddlyWeb as an application with Web2Py?

web2py looks very interesting but is not something that would host
TiddlyWeb as an application. In the stack of services, applications,
types of code and such, TiddlyWeb and web2py occupy the same place:
they are both web application servers.

Even if one wanted to make TiddlyWeb run within or alongside web2py it
would still require the installation of TiddlyWeb's dependencies so
web2py all-in-one benefit would be lost.

On the other hand, someone who was particularly interested could re-
implement the TiddlyWeb HTTP API[1] on web2py. This would be well
within TiddlyWeb's original remit, which was to create a reference for
such an API.

> I didn't find any documentation on if Web2Py is an OpenSource project
> - but it looks pretty open though - Heres a link to a description of
> it's API:http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/default/api

There's info here:


about licensing, downloading and source availability.

[1] http://tiddlyweb.peermore.com/wiki/#%5B%5BHTTP%20API%5D%5D
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