I am - no doubt about that ;-) especially when entering these areas...
I don't know why I didn't succeed - As I recall I kept getting
errormessages from the prompt no matter what I wrote- so I lost
interrest after a while. I recon it was copying stuff to folders,
which I had to name myself - run a python prompt to make some kind of
installation in the directory specifying a path to a py-module, which
didn't seem to work - or the path didn't work (I don't know - and
couldn't tell from the errormessage in the prompt (later I would copy
the result to the usb) - and figuring out how to make it run from the
usb, the whole process made me give up trying - in the end...
I think that I had problems with the copying process, and I never went
as far as getting close to make an instance... Now my harddisk is
broken - and I run a puppyLinux from my usb. I have access to jobpc's
with windows on my work - and I live next to my job, so I can still
try some things out... untill I get a new harddisk. (That won't happen
in a while I'm afraid ...)

A not very welldocumented description I'm afraid - sorry about that.

regards Måns Mårtensson

On Jun 12, 10:33 pm, FND <f...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > I hope someone reads this, and gets inspired to make systems or
> > TiddlyWebapplications which let someone like me (low level user] - run
> > it from a normal webinstall or local server
> Out of curiosity, can you explain why the Portable Python path didn't
> work for 
> you:http://tiddlyweb.peermore.com/wiki/#%5B%5BInstalling%20on%20Windows%5...
> I figured that was pretty foolproof.*
> -- F.
> * not to insinuate you're a fool, of course...
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