Hi David, 
thanks a lot for your effort for making this accessible for starters, great 

I only strolled halfways through your tutorial and have a few remarks: 

A) Why did you duplicate existing buttons with different (also existing, 
but coloured) icons?

[image: Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-03 um 12.19.33.png]

Screenshot from the Tools sidebar.

Apart from the stopwatch icon (that I contributed for the timestamp 
functionality of TW), there is no clue why a user should use one or the 

Let the community know if you lack icons, maybe there are people willing to 

B) Folded tiddlers still show the links section, is this by design? Using 
Highlights in Context that still needs a lot of space.

C) Wording on the eye tab: The word *references* is alredy in the title, so 
I think you could omit "Refs" and "Refs as" and optimise readability by NOT 
using all caps.

D) Two Columns intro, step 4: As a non native English reader I find it hard 
to understand sentences like "Click the [ | ] icon in the sidebar page 
controls multiple times to toggle between one and two columns." Maybe this 
could be shorter? "Click the [ | ] icon in the sidebar to toggle between 
one and two columns." (Doesn’t the word "toggle" imply you can switch and 
switch back using the same button?)

I will have a break now. All the best,


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