Hi Mario

Thank you so much for your very detailed explanation. Ask a lot of
questions, and you get a lot of answers! :-) You do a wonderful job
with explaining things very clearly, as I also see by the
documentation in your a-pm sites. I've visited there before and am
interested in looking further at using TW as a presentation tool.

Let me see if I can be just a little bit more explicit about my
"tiddler in a div". I think I have a good grasp of the PageLayout and
ViewTemplate and the StyleSheetLayout in TW. I also can use
transclusion (it's a lot of fun!) to bring content from one tiddler
into another. So far so good.

Now here's the scenario: Suppose I want a fixed box to appear
somewhere on the page to display news, announcements, an image, or
whatever content it may be (could be anything, really). I can create
the box by adding a div to the PageLayout in the appropriate place,
and style and position it with CSS in the StyleSheet. I can transclude
the content of SomeTiddler into that box using something like:

<div id="someDiv" macro="tiddler someTiddler"></div>

Of course what I get with that is only the *content portion* of the
transcluded tiddler. I do not get the toolbar, the title, the
dateline, or the tag elements. What I am hoping to do is to display a
complete, normal-looking tiddler with all of its parts in a div
somewhere else on the page other than the normal "story" (is that the
right word?). If I can't get all of the elements, I would at least
like to be able to display the title of the tiddler within the div
along with the tiddler contents. The closest I have gotten is to put
this in the someTiddler content:

{{title{This will look like the title}}} /% Temporary title hack %/
This is the normal content of the tiddler. blah blah blah

Using transclusion in the div shown above, this displays a tiddler
title and tiddler content, but the title is not actually the real
title of the tiddler, just whatever title is typed in to the first
line. Of course there may be situations where this is useful, but I'd
still like to know how to pull the actual title of the tiddler into
the div.

By the way, editing the contents within the div is not necessary,
since someTiddler can be opened and edited easily in the normal story.
I'm just trying to get the display of someTiddler and all of its
elements to appear in the div.

Hopefully this is a little better focused than my first posting.
Thanks for all your help!


On Jan 2, 2:02 pm, PMario <pmari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> The PageTemplate defines the overall structure of the page.
> *PageTemplate:displayArea:tiddlerDisplay  .. is responsible for the
> tiddler stuff
> The tiddler display is defined in the ViewTemplate
> *ViewTemplate:
>    toolbar .. defines the tiddler toolbar with edit, close ...
>    title .. defines the tiddler title
>    subtitle .. modifier, date ...
>    ...
>    viewer .. "macro='view text wikified' renders the tiddler content
> The style definitions are in StyleSheetLayout which is a "protected /
> shadow" tiddler which defines the default values
> If you want to make changes, use StyleSheet to define your values.
> On Jan 2, 1:33 am, David <davidconne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've dug through these posts but I'm still not clear on this. I want
> > to put a div somewhere on my PageTemplate and have one single tiddler
> > appear in that div. I can get the contents of the tiddler to do so,
> > but I can't seem to get the other elements (such as the title and the
> > date line) to appear also.
> As I mentioned above, if you want to have titel, modifieer, date .. it
> needs title, subtitel div also.
> >I've seen bits here and there about the
> > with: params, but I'm still not clear on the syntax. Editing is not
> > necessary in the div element, just rendering the tiddler and all of
> > its parts as it would appear in the main story.
> I think it need a new / extended viewTemplate
> > Also, I'm not clear on whether there is any difference between
> > <div id="someDiv" macro="tiddler someTiddler"></div>
> macro= "anyMacro anyMacroParameter" .. will execute the anyMacro with
> its anyMacroParameters, if the content is rendered by the core.
> > or
> > <div id="someDiv" tiddler="someTiddler"></div>
> eg: <div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
> if the tiddler='MainMenu' is changed/edited the div id='mainMenu' will
> be refreshed automatically by the core.
> > And at the risk of asking too many questions at once, the standard
> > layout in PageTemplate uses several divs that do not have an obvious
> > function on their own, such as #mainMenu, #sidebar and #displayArea.
> the div ids are used by the core. the default style is defined in
> StyleSheetLayout. If you want to change it use StyleSheet which
> overwrites StyleSheetLayout.
> > Are these just wrappers used for positioning their containing
> > elements, or does the core code or plugins expect them to be there for
> > a specific purpose?
> you can remove most of them in PageTemplate if you want. But I would
> suggest to hide them if you don't need them. Because in the future you
> may want them back :) There are a lot of plugins/transclusions [1]
> which can be used.
> > Thanks for giving up part of your holiday to help me with this. Happy
> > New Year!
> A Happy New Year
> I made a step by step howTo which deals with plugins and some aspects
> of the TW layout. May be it can answere some questions. [2-4]
> AND: If you tell us a little more details about your "permanent"
> tiddler. What it should do, or display and where it should appear, may
> be, there is already a solution.
> regards Mario
> [1]http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com ... see the top menue
> see:http://www.tiddlytools.com.. search for "transclusion"
> [2]http://a-pm-part1.tiddlyspot.com... start of a 3 part howto
> [3]http://a-pm-part2.tiddlyspot.com... inserting some additional
> plugis + StyleSheet + Template
> [4]http://a-pm-part3.tiddlyspot.com... 3rd part of the howto


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