I think the ultimate answer to *"When does a part stop being a fragment?" *may  
be "when the fragment is Indivisible.".

Of course, that depends on the tools at one's disposal.  I recall Physics 
teachers explaining that Electrons,Neutrons and Protons were called 
"sub-atomic" part-icles because the prior generation though that the Atom 
was the smallest, indivisible object.  And as an engineer, I was taught 
that the difference between analog signals (messy Fourrier wholes)  and  
digiat signals was that, in the digital realm, there were only 0 and 1.

Now, with Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing, I am only *probably *sure 
I can say "I think, therefore I am.".

In the scope and context of TiddlyWiki, I have come to appreciate that *a 
Character is the smallest practical Part* (glibly over-looking that there 
are 4 bits to a Nibble and 2 Nibbles to a Byte and as many as possible 2^31 
characters in the UniCode character set).  

For me, that makes a unicode character the smallest possible fragment.  I 
am also relatively certain that, since a Character is Indivisible, it can 
only be divided by 1 or itself ... which is really neat since it means 
Characters are like Prime numbers!

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