Wow. 2017. Where does the time go? Who is this guy "mark", and why should I 
know him? 

This version below of the Make Images tiddler should create your tiddlers 
silently. BUT, you absolutely need to be sure that the tiddler with the 
photo name doesn't already exist, or it will write over it!

It should also be possible to write a version now that doesn't need you to 
put the files in a data dictionary. The "new" splitregexp operator will 
allow us to parse up the contents of a regular tiddler without needing that 
"X" on the end.

Meanwhile, HTH

\define uri() pictures-sortus/$(currentTiddler)$

<$button>Make images
<$list filter="[[GalleryList]indexes[]]">
<$action-setfield  title=<<currentTiddler>>  _canonical_uri=<<uri>>/>

<<list-links "[[GalleryList]indexes[]]">>

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:59:33 AM UTC-7, scot wrote:
> Hello Mark S.
> I have been using your GalleryList data dictionary, mentioned below, to 
> create tiddlers for lots of my images and it works very well.
> You mention "
> *Lot's of room for improvement, of course. Like a form for putting in the 
> directory name. Or maybe not having all the images open as draft.*"
> My question is, how can I have all the images created, saved and closed 
> rather than open as draft.
> Can you offer any help, please.
> Scot
> On Friday, 8 December 2017 17:42:23 UTC, Mark S. wrote:
>> This is a simple technique when you have a lot of image files that you 
>> want to add as _canonical_uri  If you were hoping to add lot's of files 
>> *physically* into the TW, be aware that this is inadvisable because images 
>> will rapidly bloat the size of your TW file.
>> You load the names of the files you want into the GalleryList data 
>> dictionary. Entry is the name of the image followed by a colon, space, and 
>> "X" (or anything you want). e.g.
>> 197810_01_EGYPT_Camels.jpg: X
>> There are various ways to grab a listing. I use FreeCommander to grab the 
>> listing and then use Emacs to put the ": X" on the end.
>> The "Make Images" button can be clicked to make the canonical uri. Before 
>> doing that, you may want to modify the macro at the
>> top to point to your directory. In this case:
>> \define uri() pictures-sortus/$(currentTiddler)$
>> You will want to have pictures-sortus pointing to your own sub-directory. 
>> Lot's of room for improvement, of course. Like a form for putting in the 
>> directory name. Or maybe not having all the images 
>> open as draft.
>> Have fun,
>> Mark
>> On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 12:20:56 PM UTC-8, Péricles Correia 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Thanks for this amazing tool, Tiddlywiki is helping me a lot organizing 
>>> information!
>>> I'm an absolute beginner in Tiddlywiki, I've been adding images manually 
>>> and now I would like to automatize this task.
>>> After lot's of research, I couldn't point myself in the right direction..
>>> Using a standalone installation, my projects look like this:
>>> mainTiddlywiki.html
>>>    - subject_1/subject_1_Tiddlywiki.html
>>>    - subject_1/images/
>>>    - subject_1/images/image_1.jpg
>>>    - subject_1/images/image_2.jpg
>>>    - subject_1/images/image_3.jpg
>>>    - ...
>>> My goal is to create one tiddler (in *subject_1_Tiddlywiki.html*), that 
>>> embeds all pictures that are currently inside the *images *folder.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Péricles Correia

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