I use TiddlyWiki mostly on my iPad with Quine 2 
<https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quine-2/id1450128957>. It works rather well. 
Sometimes after loading a plugin, I need to reboot Quine, rather than 
simply refresh, and I haven't figured out which circumstances necessitate 
it. But I'm pretty happy with it overall.

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 11:45:00 AM UTC-4 JD wrote:

> Oh wow, I'd like to mess around with that wiki containing those cool mix 
> of plugins, maybe help with an edition containing those as recently they've 
> become popular.. But I understand it's your data and privacy! 
> I'm thinking actually of multiple sidebars now... another button with 
> another sidebar to toggle... where the second one can be configured to not 
> affect the story river width (of course this can be an option that can be 
> integrated into Mono.theme)
> With that kind of solution (multiple sidebars), however, one can be lists 
> (narrower, can affect story river width/position), and the other can 
> contain wider stuff (won't affect story river)... where their toggles are 
> both always present ... (just throwing around an idea i might actually 
> build around lol)
> On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 11:16:23 PM UTC+9, Prestige wrote:
>> JD,
>>    I did change the Sidebar width to 500px or even more, but it messes up 
>> my Drift setup. It kind of worked okayish with stroll because it had bigger 
>> width by default on the left. It messed up when I had two column enabled. 
>> There was a work around provided by Dave (created Stroll), where we fix the 
>> Map window fixed with sidebar. I think I will try that with drift too (I 
>> just remembered the tweak -_-)!
>> Thanks :)
>> On Tuesday, 28 July 2020 at 19:19:08 UTC+5:30 JD wrote:
>>> About the sidebar! You can go here:
>>> ControlPanel > Appearance > Mono Tweaks > Vanilla tweaks
>>> On the list of this tab, the last one is "Sidebar width", maybe the 
>>> value of 500px or more will suffice :)
>>> -jd
>>> On Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 8:06:22 PM UTC+9, Dummy ME wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>  I am new here and the world of tiddlys. I am enjoying a lot with the 
>>>> idea of just one file with unlimited customizations. I shall go ahead to 
>>>> put my use case and the queries, I hope you guys can help me out.
>>>> 1. *About me*: engineer; knows basic programming, can learn too; 
>>>> currently preparing for an exam - that required me to set up notes (and 
>>>> revise them). My subject of study as of now is Anthropology.
>>>> 2.* Use Case:  *As I said, I need to prepare notes. The topics are 
>>>> referenced to and from from many topics and are a bit dynamic at times 
>>>> (current developments etc.). Also, I needed it to be a bit reasy to revise 
>>>> later (or Spaced repetition maybe).
>>>> 3. 
>>>> *The TiddlerWikis Experience: *
>>>>    -  I was searching for a note taking app; Went on to find Notion, 
>>>>    Obsidian, RemNotes and TiddlyWiki.
>>>>       - Notion - Online; Data policies; a bit difficult to keep track 
>>>>       on; interface is turnoff. (For me) (Was not sure of exports either)
>>>>       - Obsidian - everything seemed good. I invested a lot of time 
>>>>       too. but was only on desktop. I work on iPad too (atleast read). Too 
>>>> many 
>>>>       different .md files to handle.
>>>>       - RemNotes - I liked this one thouroughly. It has Spaced 
>>>>       repetetion in itself free at the moment, decent interface, and Roam 
>>>> like. 
>>>>       But before finding it, I fell in love with the Stroll TiddlerWiki 
>>>> and now I 
>>>>       have a dilemma.
>>>>       - TIddlerWiki - I found it somewhere in the Obsidian forum (a 
>>>>       shout of thanks to that user). Felt incredible for its simplicity 
>>>> and the 
>>>>       open source nature. People collaborating for something this great. 
>>>> The 
>>>>       collaboration amongst humans is what I am studying in Anthropology, 
>>>> so. 
>>>>       Anyway, I played around tiddly for a while. Tried to host it, 
>>>> plugins from 
>>>>       the dynalist toolkit list, and many things.
>>>>    - The tiddlerwiki I started using was Stroll. It had backlinking, 
>>>>          and its something I was looking for. Then, I tried importing some 
>>>> plug-ins 
>>>>          of my interest. eg. TiddlyMaps (despite warnings by the Stroll 
>>>> developer), 
>>>>          Leaflets for embedding maps (required for me or I can manage with 
>>>> images 
>>>>          (but maps cooool! :p). I tried a simple flowchart too. 
>>>>          - The problem: TiddlerMap is interfereing with Stroll. I 
>>>>             wanted to keep it a bit smaller in the sidebar itself? Is it 
>>>> possible??
>>>> 4. The queries: 
>>>>    - Suggestion for the Tiddlywik to use. eg. Stroll, TiddlyRoam, 
>>>>    Drift (my new favourite).
>>>>       - For now I am building on Drift (I found it this morning and I 
>>>>       like it. Stroll is good too, but I like the feel, some new features 
>>>> and 
>>>>       looks of drift.
>>>>    - How to use TiddlyMaps without much trouble? 
>>>>    - I just want a basic flow of my tiddlers. I don't want icons, I 
>>>>       can do fine with just a small circle with the name of the node on 
>>>> hover.
>>>>       - The current plugin interferes with two stories plug-in : in 
>>>>       both stroll and drift.
>>>>    - Should I be using TiddlyWiki in the first place? I don't have a 
>>>>    lot of programming knowledge, just basics. I like to dig in though and 
>>>> try 
>>>>    to tweak with what I know.
>>>>       - I have limited time though. I want to be able to start putting 
>>>>       in notes without altering the setup once done.
>>>>    - How to edit the wiki from multiple devices? iPad, Phone and 
>>>>    Laptop?
>>>>       - Currently, I do this way:
>>>>          - I have TiddlyDesktop intalled. I edit there. The folder 
>>>>          containing .html is synced on drive. The backup is in a separate 
>>>> folder.
>>>>          - Then, I  have this app called TIddloidLite. Where I can 
>>>>          open that file from the drive itself. and even save after edit. I 
>>>> am happy 
>>>>          with it for now.
>>>>          - And in drive I had this drive extension: 
>>>>          TiddlyDrive....Which enabled me to edit on android earlier. But 
>>>> now app 
>>>>          does better. But that link from the drive, I am using to edit on 
>>>> iPad. 
>>>>          Safari doesn't work. but the app called Documents is able to do 
>>>> so. I dont 
>>>>          know why...?
>>>>          - So basically, is there a way I can streamline all of this? 
>>>>          or this is fine? 
>>>>          - I had tried github, tiddlyspot things too. But went too 
>>>>          complex for me.
>>>>       - Also, I liked this tool, TiddlyRemember, I did everything but 
>>>>    couldn't get it setup. If those guys are here, can they help me a bit?
>>>> Thanks for reading this long post. A long and selfish post maybe. 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> DummyMe
>>>> The TiddlyMap Problem:

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