yes somewhat, just for now without the ability to set where it saves. I 
drew the comparsion to set since what it is at the end of the day is the 
set widget just with a change to where it saves the value.

The thing is I at first wanted a user defined save location, but through 
tests I learned that the function I use to write the indexes to the tiddler 
needs the tiddler it writes to to actually to exist. So I decided to finish 
a first working proof of concept and expand this type of functionality in 
later revisions since I have to implement a fall back that creates a 
tiddler if it isn't there or at least gives the user a clear message that 
the set failed, because of the tiddler not existing.

As for the the prefixed tiddlers you are right this was more a result from 
me wanting everything in one place during development.
Although I would wish there was $:/data as this is neither necessarily 
temporary - I do wish to keep a saved beyond closing the wiki possibility 
should someone find a way to find it useful - or a state in the way it is 
apparently normally used within tiddlywiki, but from the next iteration 
onwards I will move it to $:/state.

Thanks for looking over it and giving feedback.

Kind Regards,

On Sunday, 13 September 2020 17:56:32 UTC+2, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> Interesting implementation, thanks for sharing. 
> It's a bit like an action-setfield widget that doesn't need a trigger. 
> I've only had the most cursory look, but you could allow an optional 
> widget parameter that determines the storage tiddler, allowing restricting 
> scope where desired.
> Perhaps also consider using a $:/temp.. or $:/state... prefixed tiddler 
> for the storage.
> Cheers,
> Saq
> On Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 4:50:14 PM UTC+2, Felicia Crow wrote:
>> Hi,
>> after Tony has asked about it in another thread and taking far longer 
>> than planned - trying to reinvent the wheel is maybe not the best solution 
>> - I finally finished a first proof of concept for dynamic global variables.
>> What this basically does is it adds a widget that works like set, just 
>> without the scope restrictions. So variables set with it can be used in the 
>> same tiddler further down or in another tiddler altogether.
>> I also added a custom filter operator to make it easier to access the 
>> variable values within a filter.
>> The attached wiki contains basic examples for how to use the 
>> widget/operator, while the json is there to make it easier to import it 
>> into your own wikis.
>> Usual Disclaimer: This is a very basic proof of concept not a finished 
>> plugin so while I am happy if people try it out and give feedback/develop 
>> it further I consider it very much use at your own risk.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Felicia

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