Thanks Walt!

Apologies to some of those who signed up later and before I had the chance 
to switch submissions off, but I've had to cut some folks off to keep the 
private preview at a manageable size. Please stay tuned – if all goes well, 
I will have a public release in a month or two (and I'll continue accepting 
feedback for further improvements at that point).

If anyone who threw their hat into the ring back in January has not 
received an email or an invitation to the google group, please let me know. 
I don't want to leave you out when you were first.

On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 3:39:24 AM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:

> @Soren : Amazing piece of work, mate!  I just downloaded it last night on 
> my iPad, fully expecting to nod-off in <15min (a nice fat eBook on some 
> tech topic is my favourite form of sleeping pill :-)... But then the darn 
> thing kept me going *way* into the wee-hours, until i must either get up 
> and get working in TiddlyDesktop (had some trouble saving a local copy on 
> iPad via Quine2 [note1]), or else power-down somehow (which i finally 
> did... But it wasn't easy!). 
> So i think it's fair to say -at least for those like me that already quite 
> into TiddlyWiki, but also with serious gaps in know-how, begging to be 
> filled- this book is a great resource, even in current form.  To be clear: 
> this is no "5hi++y first draft" (as authors are advised these days to call 
> their first Request For Comments);  it's a very broad and deep treatment of 
> the subject, organised by a guy who really knows the tool and how to use it 
> to max advantage.  Moreover: Soren brings some progressive learning theory 
> to the table, in the form of this "Takeways" feature (i.e. granular Q&A 
> exercises in context) that really works.  
> Check it out!
> /walt
> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 12:59:27 PM UTC PMario wrote:
>> Hi,
>> -as in my first post
>> My github profile <>contains an e-mail link
>> -m
>> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 3:55:29 AM UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> I have a draft just about ready for review, but it looks like the group 
>>> as configured doesn't allow me to see the contact information of anyone who 
>>> posted. Could everyone who was interested in participating please take 30 
>>> seconds to fill out this Google form with your email address?
>>> I am looking at having this out to you all by the end of the week and 
>>> would love to have your feedback gathered in by early to mid-March. I will 
>>> email you with further details once you have filled out the form.
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Monday, February 1, 2021 at 7:10:44 PM UTC-6 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm an absolute beginner.  I'd love to help proofread it if you still 
>>>> need volunteers
>>>> On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 7:34:13 PM UTC-4 Soren Bjornstad 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> As the end of the year approaches and I start planning personal goals 
>>>>> for next year, I thought I'd share an early update on a project I'm 
>>>>> really 
>>>>> excited about and hope will be a boon for the TiddlyWiki community: a 
>>>>> TiddlyWiki textbook (written in TiddlyWiki, of course).
>>>>> Right now we have (mostly) good technical documentation for advanced 
>>>>> users, a thriving Google group, and plenty of introductions to 
>>>>> TiddlyWiki, 
>>>>> but nothing that bridges the gap by helping new users who are serious 
>>>>> about 
>>>>> learning the ins and outs of TiddlyWiki to build a complete understanding 
>>>>> of TiddlyWiki concepts. That's what I'm hoping to fix.
>>>>> One of the other things I'm excited about is my included prototype of 
>>>>> a mnemonic medium 
>>>>> <> 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> TiddlyWiki built on top of my TiddlyRemember plugin. This allows simple 
>>>>> prompts to be embedded in the text, then reviewed at regular intervals 
>>>>> controlled by a spaced-repetition algorithm, either with a simple 
>>>>> native-TiddlyWiki reviewer or in Anki <> via 
>>>>> TiddlyRemember. With this medium, learning and retaining large amounts of 
>>>>> new terminology and syntax is much easier.
>>>>> [image: Screenshot from 2020-12-30 17-08-30.png]
>>>>> I've been working on this off and on for a few months and am hoping 
>>>>> that within the next month or two, I'll have a solid draft. At that point 
>>>>> I 
>>>>> would like to send this out to a handful of people for an initial, 
>>>>> rigorous 
>>>>> round of private review and feedback. I would like to involve several 
>>>>> expert users and several beginners (I'd love to see 2-3 in each 
>>>>> category). 
>>>>> Here's what I'd hope to hear from these reviewers:
>>>>> Experts:
>>>>>    - See any outright errors? I'm sure I made a few.
>>>>>    - Did I miss any concepts or features that you use all the time or 
>>>>>    think are essential?
>>>>>    - For the resources at the end: What major resources or plugins 
>>>>>    would be worth including that I don't know about or haven't included?
>>>>> Beginners:
>>>>>    - Did everything I wrote make sense?
>>>>>    - How well did the mnemonic medium work? Were the prompts 
>>>>>    effective? Did you understand how to use it?
>>>>>    - Did your TiddlyWiki skills improve?
>>>>>    - Were the exercises too hard? Too easy? Lacking enough 
>>>>>    information?
>>>>>    - Roughly how long did it take to work through the book?
>>>>> I would be looking for a commitment to read through the whole book, 
>>>>> ideally do most of the exercises, and offer substantive feedback. The 
>>>>> book 
>>>>> is currently about 70,000 words and includes plenty of exercises, so 
>>>>> although I have no data on how long it will take to work through the book 
>>>>> at this point, I can't imagine it would be a one-evening task. As 
>>>>> compensation, I can offer early access to the book, your name in the 
>>>>> acknowledgements, a $25 Amazon gift card (maybe more if there are fewer 
>>>>> reviewers or I can cram it into my budget), and a huge thank-you to 
>>>>> anyone 
>>>>> who's willing to help out.
>>>>> If you're interested in being involved when the time comes, please let 
>>>>> me know here or by emailing contact at If your 
>>>>> ability to help out depends on the timeline, please let me know and I'll 
>>>>> see what I can do.

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