hi diego, re: the posts thing, for me part of it is i am mostly on mobile, 
and it is relatively painful (probably just haven't figured out a good way) 
to reply to messages on google groups, without using a text editor and 
copying the text back in to a message to post. maybe there is a guide 
somewhere for gg newbies but this page suggests it's intended behaviour 

it makes it hard to continue to reply in a conversation as there is a lot 
of friction for a mobile user, so the bar for replying is raised somewhat 
from where it could be.

in agreement with david, posting time is probably relevant, in this case i 
can reply only because pretty much my only free time during the week is 
right now and i can switch to an ipad to do it!

regarding your original linking topic, i might be speaking for a lot of 
newbies who have never heard of unilink until now, and like me are still 
getting our heads around the "extended external link"! but reading your 
post and everyone's replies lets that knowledge percolate in (i hope) and 
kickstarts my own thinking about "issues of concern", which is super 
helpful, so thank you for posting, though i wouldn't normally reply as i 
currently don't know enough of the background to this to contribute 
something directly useful.

so it got me thinking about things like discovering anwiki exists; for new 
users we are heavily dependent on search as we don't know enough yet to see 
why example wikis might be relevant to our particular situation (david's 

but this also makes the window for contributing to gg posts very narrow, 
unless you are already at the matching level of knowledge, AND watching the 
group/able to find the post, AND have means to reply, AND have something 
ready to contribute

so for example here a tw newbie might not understand yet how super 
interesting your topic is, because it is so "meta", i.e. 
thinking-about-thinking; or another example peter's firebase backend on the 
tw dev gg/tw github discussion which is also super cool and useful, or, 
well, pretty much everyone's contribution on this group once we get our 
heads around how useful it is!

whereas a gg newbie like me has trouble just replying in the first place, i 
mean, i have to stop now because i had to spend a while figuring out touch 
focus required to scroll this reply and the post on safari desktop mode on 
the ipad :)

some things will semi-randomly catch fire and become popular, keep up the 
great work everyone!

until next time xx
On Friday, March 5, 2021 at 2:44:47 PM UTC David Gifford wrote:

> It's pretty random. Sometimes I get three or four people with replies and 
> solutions, other times I have to bump threads to get them noticed. Also 
> note that if you post on a Friday night or the weekend, you may not get a 
> reply until the new week. At least I have found that at times. I did read 
> your original post, but you are asking for input on something above my 
> technical skill, so I didn't have anything to say. Blessings
> On Friday, March 5, 2021 at 8:37:17 AM UTC-6 dieg...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Joshua 
>> Thanks for your thoughts.
>> To others, can someone help me understand why my posts often don't get 
>> many (if any) response?  The first time this was posted it also inspired 
>> almost no response. This time as well. This happens to several of my posts, 
>> so I'm curious as to my "disconnect" with the community somehow. 
>> On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 8:27:43 PM UTC-6 joshua....@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> If we did add a relationship type to links, it helps to unpack the 
>>> WikiText version of Links into their <$link> widget equivalent.
>>> [[LinkText|CurrentTiddler]] unpacks to the following "parse tree" json 
>>> in the internal javascript
>>> ```
>>> { type: "link", attributes: { to: {type: "string", value: link} }, 
>>> children: [{ type: "text", text: text }
>>> ```
>>> which is the equivalent to typing:
>>> ```
>>> <$link to="CurrentTiddler"><$text text="LinkText"/></$link>
>>> ```
>>> Now, as we want "typed" links to other tiddlers, and probably not to 
>>> external resources (hey, make a tiddler that points there), then we can 
>>> re-use the pattern fro the "extended external link" WikiText, and the 
>>> "extended image" WikiText. It would look something like:
>>> ```
>>> [type:relationship[LinkText|CurrentTiddler]]
>>> ```
>>> which would then render as
>>> ```
>>> { type: "link", attributes: { to: {type: "string", value: link}, type: 
>>> {type: "string", value: type} }, children: [{ type: "text", text: text }
>>> ```
>>> and be the equivalent of typing
>>> ```
>>> <$link to="CurrentTiddler" type="relationship"><$text 
>>> text="LinkText"/></$link>
>>> ```
>>> So, you could not use referenced (transcluded, macro, variable) data for 
>>> the type in the WikiText version, but you could in the full Widget version.
>>> Something to think about....
>>> Best,
>>> Joshua Fontany
>>> On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 12:46:09 PM UTC-8 dieg...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I thought again about one of my previous posts, and I thought I'd try 
>>>> reposting it and editing it to encourage more conversation/ideas around 
>>>> this topic.
>>>> In my mind, *linking* is one of the two major pillars of TW 
>>>> (searching/filtering being the other - why I think a lot and comment a lot 
>>>> about search). If I want to link to a tiddler there are *four* (used 
>>>> to be three) issues of concern:
>>>> 1. what I want to type
>>>>    - Aliases provided by the un-link plugin are magical here! A 
>>>>    tiddler with "long title of method" can save me many keystrokes (and 
>>>>    potential typos!) if I just type the name of the alias.
>>>>    - Critically, this is decoupled from where I want the *link to go*, 
>>>>    and what I want it to *render as*. I don't ever want to type "a 
>>>>    very long title", or if the core also supports uniqueIDs, I don't want 
>>>> to 
>>>>    type timestamps. 
>>>>    - Something that I think should be incorporated into the core 
>>>>    (!!!!) (or at least with uni-link) is the Edit-Comptext dropdown 
>>>>    plugin <https://snowgoon88.github.io/TW5-extendedit/>. This plugin 
>>>>    already lets you define custom dropdown templates, so its natural to 
>>>>    incorporate the filters uni-link provides. 
>>>> 2. where I want the link to go
>>>>    - If we're not just focusing on aliases for a second, this isn't as 
>>>>    straightforward as I initially thought - frequently I want a link to go 
>>>> to 
>>>>    a tiddler with a specific title (this is the obvious case).
>>>>    - Sometimes I want a link to go to a specific tiddler, *regardless 
>>>>    of its title**. *For example, my TW is constantly evolving as my 
>>>>    system of knowledge is evolving - I rename things, reorganize, etc 
>>>>    *frequently.* If I rename a method, or person, etc. all of my links 
>>>>    to this tiddler no longer work 
>>>>    - (there have been previous discussions of renaming tiddlers 
>>>>       triggering a search/replace). 
>>>>       - * The recently introduced relink plugin solves this particular 
>>>>       problem! *
>>>>       - I am more interested in being able to link to a tiddler by 
>>>>    some kind of unique ID (for example, created timestamp, or another 
>>>> field) - *that 
>>>>    way, renaming a tiddler's title does not trigger massive textual 
>>>> changes in 
>>>>    the rest of my tiddlers*
>>>>       - I use version control, so it's a bit annoying when I rename 
>>>>       one tiddler, my commit object contains changes to 20 other tiddlers 
>>>> whose 
>>>>       links to this one tiddler also had to change. 
>>>>       - Uni-link address this issue, by introducing a (hopefully) 
>>>>       unique field: *aliases*.
>>>>       - So now I can link to [[coolMethod|?]] *regardless of the 
>>>>       actual title of that tiddler!* This is a wonderful feature!
>>>> 3. what I want the link to render/display as in view mode
>>>>    - TW already supports some version of this, as sometimes it's 
>>>>    appropriate to render a tiddler's title, other times its caption. I 
>>>> just 
>>>>    want to extend this so that the user has more fine-grained control over 
>>>>    this. 
>>>> 4. What kind of relationship I want the link to represent
>>>>    - Thanks to the illuminating typed links thread 
>>>>    <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/C0CqNyKU1Jc/m/KgwIfWy5AQAJ>, 
>>>>    I've come to realize this is also a central concept in linking! 
>>>>    - Coupled with the ideas given in the recent "Athens" thread about 
>>>>    thinking of your knowledge graph more *formally* as an actual 
>>>>    graph, it makes sense to think of the kind of connection you want to 
>>>>    represent. 
>>>> Link Syntax:
>>>> Note: below I introduce some spaces to help with legibility, not paying 
>>>> attention to the fact that they actually aren't in the syntax.
>>>> Currently, the core supports two link types:
>>>>    - [[ link target ]]
>>>>    - [[ Display text | link target ]]
>>>> Uni-link introduces two more:
>>>>    - [[ alias name |?]] - links to a target that has 'alias name' in 
>>>>    its aliases field. Note you did *not* specify the target name at 
>>>>    all! Only its alias! 
>>>>    - [[ alias name |? fieldNameToRender]] - links as above, but 
>>>>    displays not the alias name or the target name, but the content of the 
>>>>    field given
>>>> We see that the last uni-link syntax gives the following:
>>>>    - ✅ lets me type a short alias for any target 
>>>>    - ✅ allows me to NOT have to specify the target tiddler with a long 
>>>>    name
>>>>    - ✅ changing the target tiddler name does NOT affect any alias links
>>>>    - ✅ lets me easily specify what I want the link to display/render as
>>>> The only missing feature (besides the autocomplete given by the 
>>>> EditComptext plugin) is specifying the relationship type. 
>>>> I have no idea what syntax would "make the most sense" but I can 
>>>> propose some: 
>>>>    - relationshipType::[[ aliasName |? fieldNameToRender]] - like in 
>>>>    Roam?
>>>>    - [[ aliasName |? fieldNameToRender | relationshipType]]
>>>> I'll let others think of a better syntax given TWs internals. 
>>>> I'm anxious to hear others thoughts! 
>>>> Diego

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