I'm with PMario – I'm just not sure that this makes much sense in the 
TiddlyWiki idiom. It's like you're used to driving a car, and TiddlyWiki is 
a train, and looking at the train, you go, “But where are the rubber 
tires?” It just doesn't have rubber tires...but it still rolls just as 
well, it just works a different way. TiddlyWiki is almost completely 
non-hierarchical, so inheritance seems like a particularly bad fit.

> I also found Trilium's attributes extra functionalities very useful, esp 
the ability to use them to define custom relations between different Notes, 
which is similar to what tiddlymap does but has several advantages, e.g. to 
query Notes based on their relations.

If I'm understanding the ability to "query Notes based on their relations" 
correctly, this works exactly the same way in TW...just put the name of 
another tiddler or tiddlers in a field, and then use a filter. E.g., for a 
parent/child relationship where the child stores its parent in a 'parent' 

[parent[MyTiddler]] – finds all children of MyTiddler
[parent[MyTiddler]related[MyOtherTiddler]tag[Source]] – finds all sources 
that are children of MyTiddler and related to MyOtherTiddler
[tag[Source]parent[MyTiddler]links[]] – finds all notes linked to by 
sources that are children of MyTiddler

(If you want to allow more than one tiddler to be in the field for 
relations, you would make the field contain a title list 
<https://tiddlywiki.com/#Title%20List> and use 'contains:parent` instead of 
just 'parent'.)

For standard inheritance, in TW you would normally just compose your filter 
to look for the parent tiddlers when determining what value a field has. I 
would probably need an example of how you use this to avoid giving you 
something really convoluted, so I'll pass on trying to provide one up 
front, but if there's something you're looking for let me know.

For copy inheritance, as PMario mentioned, you would create a custom button 
on the parent tiddler (or anywhere else you like) that prepopulates the 
fields. In fact this is more flexible because you can set the fields to 
whatever you like. For example, here's a button that would copy the tags 
and description of the current tiddler to the newly created tiddler, set 
the `year` field to the current year, and set the `url` field to the 
contents of some configured tiddler containing a base URL plus the title of 
the current tiddler.

    title="New Child"
    url={{{ [{MyBaseUrl}addsuffix<title>] }}}
    year=<<now "YYYY">> />
  New Child
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 2:59:45 PM UTC-5 damscal wrote:

> Hi Mario, thank you for your reply-
> I haven't thoroughly thought about the possible implementations in TW, but 
> I've found Trilium's approach very intuitive and efficient to work with. I 
> guess a similar approach, being able to dynamically inherit tags and other 
> fields using template tiddlers, would make TW quicker and easier to manage, 
> esp if the user hasn't a well defined mindset yet and need to change things 
> all the time. Arguably I would guess it could actually be coherent to the 
> philosophy of tiddlers ( 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#Philosophy%20of%20Tiddlers ), and perhaps a new 
> exporting option could be added that would let the user choose whether to 
> export tiddlers as they are, or to copy the inherited referenced 
> information into the tiddlers that are being exported in order to make them 
> self-consistent (kind of the analogue of copying symlinks targets or the 
> symlink themselves when working with filesystems)
> it could be off-topic, but incidentally I also found Trilium's attributes 
> extra functionalities very useful, esp the ability to use them to define 
> custom relations between different Notes, which is similar to what 
> tiddlymap does but has several advantages, e.g. to query Notes based on 
> their relations.
> On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 8:12:03 PM UTC+2 PMario wrote:
>> On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6:42:35 PM UTC+2 damscal wrote:
>>> Trilium <https://github.com/zadam/trilium> provides quite intuitive 
>>> built-in ways to have Notes (the analogues to Tiddlywiki's tiddlers) 
>>> dynamically and selectively inherit their Attributes from other Notes, as 
>>> described here 
>>> <https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Attribute-inheritance> and here 
>>> <https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Template>. In Trilium, Attributes 
>>> <https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Attributes> are similar to 
>>> Tiddlywiki's fields with extra built-in features.
>>> Inheritance is convenient as it saves a lot of time when creating and 
>>> organizing notes, plus it makes maintenance very straightforward.
>>> Can/could Tiddlywiki achieve something similar?
>> Sure, if someone would program it. ... BUT there is absolutely no support 
>> in the core atm. So nothing will work. Especially filtering would have a 
>> big problem.
>> TLDR;
>> IMO you should probably tell us, what exactly you want to inherit, so we 
>> can tell you how to implement it in "the TW way", which will be more 
>> efficient in the long run.
>> ------------------------
>> From your links, it seems some "attributes" are "indirectly" inherited. 
>> eg: 
>> parent has (key-a: value-a)
>>    |
>>    +-- child 1 .. will inherit (key-a: value-a) from parent
>>    +-- child 2 .. will inherit (key-a: value-a) from parent
>> If child 2 is moved to 
>> test has (key-b: value-b)
>>    |
>>    +-- child 2 .. will inherit (key-b: value-b) from test
>> This behaviour can have some "nice" effects, if you know, that they 
>> exist. ... BUT it also "connects" 2 elements in a way, that they only can 
>> exist together without loosing information. ... That's not how TW is 
>> designed. 
>> In TiddlyWiki, "a tiddler is a tiddler is a tiddler". ... So they should 
>> be usable, even if used or moved as a single unit. 
>> We do have other mechanisms, that let us "connect" 2 tiddlers. .. Tags, 
>> New Here, New Journal here, links and transclusions ... 
>> Tags are like "groups"
>> New xxx ... Some fields from a "template" tiddler are copied over to the 
>> new tiddler. ... This can be changed, if you create your own buttons. 
>> [[links]] ... Are handled by the core in a special way, so showing 
>> "backlinks" can be fast. 
>> {{transclusions}} ... connect 2 tiddlers in an "indirect" way. ... So 
>> they can live alone, but they are not "complete" if they are alone. 
>> -mario

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