@Si : Dude!  I just used your clever little button script to flatten a 
caffeine-fueled Stream of a couple dozen nodes into a single tiddler to 
memorialise that epic train of thought :-). 
Think i'm gonna add this button feature to my Journal tiddler template, to 
see if this makes that sticky business of daily Journal-writing flow 
eaasierr, without making such a mess in my Zettelkasten. 
Thanks for this, mate...  and, 

PS, i'm likewise interested in the idea of using Streams as an incremental 
reading tool;  AND

PPS: Also +1 the idea of finding some mechanism whereby we could send some 
monetary tokens of appreciation Saq's way!


On Friday, June 25, 2021 at 12:01:09 AM UTC+1 Si wrote:

> Hi Walt,
> SO this is to ask all of you with any experience of Streams plugin: Can 
>> you relate to the need i am expressing?  Or have you found a good way 
>> "flatten" your streams, and integrate your Streams content properly into a 
>> TW instance?  If so, anything you might care to share in terms of workflow 
>> and/or code would be most appreciated.
> I don't personally have any need to convert a stream into a bulleted list 
> within a single tiddler*.* As you note, outliners very useful for agile 
> note taking, but in my opinion a hierarchical list is not the best way to 
> *present* a single idea. So in general once I have moved my streams nodes 
> to their evergreen home, I aspire to convert my notes into more readable 
> prose. I do this by rearranging the nodes into a flat list, re-writing as 
> required, and then flattening with a button described here: 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/rEtegfiGYJE/m/L0-euDfWAAAJ
> In reality I rarely actually get to that stage, and am generally happy to 
> leave my evergreen notes in "node-form". I don't personally see any benefit 
> in converting them to a bulleted markdown list, but it depends on what your 
> use case is?
> Meanwhile: i too would very much like to know who else is using Streams 
>> regularly, and in what sort of workflow(s). 
>> So if you are one, dear reader, please let us know!  
>  Hi Saq,
> One of the things I would dearly like to know is how many people are 
>> actually using Streams on a regular basis, and what their workflow looks 
>> like. My feeling is its a very small handful and I'll admit that probably 
>> influences how much time I devote to working on Streams.
> You may have seen it but I roughly described my workflow here: 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/gbEHUyX8dc0/m/r1yF5JdXCAAJ
> For me Streams excels at quickly capturing information that I cannot yet 
> fit into any main ideas within your knowledge. Being able to re-jig this 
> captured information is helpful for making sense of it, eventually 
> integrating them with the main ideas that I want to internalise. In 
> particular this can help to break through some of the constraints of linear 
> reading.
> I aspire to one day build some incremental reading 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incremental_reading> tools with 
> TiddlyWiki, which may partially replace my use of streams, but for now I 
> have found streams to be the best solution for non-linear reading.
> On the topic of how many people use it, maybe you could consider creating 
> a Google Form and linking to it from the download page, asking users if 
> they would take a second to answer some brief questions?
> I was also wondering if you had considered setting up a way for users to 
> donate? Not necessarily to fund development, just to show appreciation for 
> great free software! I am not currently in a position to contribute much, 
> but in the future I would certainly be happy to subscribe to a patreon or 
> whatever.
> I would add that like Mario I am very happy with the current features of 
> streams, though I have made the following tweak to the text display for the 
> breadcrumbs. It's a very minor thing, but in my opinion looks nicer than 
> just cutting off the title mid-word:
> <$text text={{{ 
> [<display-title>length[]compare:number:lt[40]then<display-title>] 
> ~[<display-title>split[]first[40]join[]trim[]addsuffix[...]] }}}/>
>  I wonder if you think it should be added when you next update?
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 at 14:22, ludwa6 <wlud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Picking up where this earlier thread 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o> left off, i am 
>> following Saq's advice 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o/m/9lO63cZEAQAJ> to 
>> start another conversation on the more specific question of HOW best to use 
>> -and perhaps adapt- the Streams plugin, to make TW into a great tool for 
>> not only "intertwingly" NoteTaking (which it certainly is), but also great 
>> for agile NoteTaking, as defined in aforementioned thread. 
>> Having just installed the plugin (Streams 0.2.18) in my TiddlyDesktop 
>> instance, i am already fairly drunk on the power of having what feels like 
>> a full-fledged outliner *within* a tiddler, where i can bang out a 
>> stream of bullet points, promote & demote, indent & outdent, etc... All as 
>> fast as i can type the keystrokes, or drag&drop on mobile. 
>> But then: the result is a slew of tiddlers with long numeric IDs that, 
>> tho nicely presented in the edit window as a clean hierarchal outline, 
>> cannot be either flattened into a single tiddler, nor exported or even 
>> copy/pasted into the tiddler body via any built-in affordance.  I've been 
>> going the copy/paste way so far, but it's a hard road to travel, given any 
>> significant length and/or complexity to your outline. 
>> Now: plugin author Saq said essentially 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o/m/9lO63cZEAQAJ> 
>> that the only reason he hasn't built in any such affordance is that he 
>> doesn't know what users want: a simple concatenation of the stream? a 
>> hierarchial structure in some form? 
>> For me, the best (and simplest?) solution would be to convert the stream 
>> to Markdown: each node being just a line of text preceded by a number of 
>> asterisks (1->any) to reflect its level in the hierarchy.  This could be 
>> interpreted & displayed correctly in any tiddler that is formatted 
>> Markdown; TW has affordances for this -as does Github (.md is default 
>> format of ReadMe files there) and most web publishing & word processing 
>> apps you can find these days.  Indeed, Saq indicated 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o/m/BF2bQzugAAAJ> 
>> that a  .md<->.tid converter would be no big deal (for him, at least :-) to 
>> create; this would enable not only "flattening" of a Stream in such manner, 
>> but also importing a .md file as presentable tiddler content.  Now THAT 
>> would be cool, IMHO... But that's just me, so far.
>> SO this is to ask all of you with any experience of Streams plugin: Can 
>> you relate to the need i am expressing?  Or have you found a good way 
>> "flatten" your streams, and integrate your Streams content properly into a 
>> TW instance?  If so, anything you might care to share in terms of workflow 
>> and/or code would be most appreciated.
>> NB: I did learn in the course of that earlier thread about this 
>> Streams-to-text 
>> solution <https://szen.io/stream/> (thanks @Si for the pointer), but Saq 
>> warned 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o/m/yXLAGwBIAQAJ> 
>> that the plugin (actually a microAddOn/Mod, according to author Jan) is not 
>> compatible with current version of Streams as it stands, though he believes 
>> that Jan is working on it.  So i'm holding off on installing that for now, 
>> but would love to hear any news or user reports about that.
>> /walt
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