> As I wrote in the other post about tiddlyworld main menu. Please keep
> the "tiddlyworld" space for the "real" content and move its existing
> "dev/example" content into an other space. I think the name
> tiddlyworld is much cooler than community or communityweb.

(As replied in that other thread;
I felt that particularly newbies get confused enough
as it is with all them tiddlyshmiddlys (tiddlywiki, tiddler,
tiddlyspace, tiddlyspot...). I wanted the name to be neutral
particularly since the URL already contains the t word. Also, I kind
of like the idea that the name refers to what it is and that it rides
on an established term "the tiddlywiki community".
...but I do agree; tiddlyworld is a *cooler* name, but...!)

One-stop-shop; you're of course right. The aim is not to omit the need
for other spaces. The community site is intended to be one-stop in
that you'll should be able to *find* those other spaces and places not
least via references. 'Including' will likely be used a lot as well as
standard links.

iframing an external forum vs a TW build one;

> The comments plugin works quite well with tiddlyspace. It could be
> used. But there is the disadvantage of easy spamming, because everyone
> needs to have write access to the groups space.
> If you reply to a topic at the moment, you write to your own space and
> the "descussion" software "collects" the topics. If you produce spam,
> then you only spam your own account. For the others disabling a
> spammer is easy. Delete the follow tag, or delete the spammersName
> tiddler.  Done

Would that construction be viable for the community site?
Regarding spam, I think tiddlyspace is still so unknown that it should
be a minor problem. (Do we get spamming in here for example? This
google group is not moderated as far as I know, or? )

(I must cut my reply here to go to bed, but figured I should reply
quickly to your initial questions here at least.)

Great input!!!


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