I got closer to the goal today, check sndbxy3.tiddlyspace.com . It starts 
from the neui-em theme.

But there are still many issues. Please see if you can help:

1) The *'locking' of the sidebars*. I put the Toggle[Left/Right]SideBarEm 
arrows in there, but they are not doing anything. In any case I need 
'lock/unlock', not 'hide/show'. Hide behaviour would be bad, as it would 
hide the toggle arrow too!
(When the sidebars are not locked, they slide over the central 
width:90%tiddlers when hovered over. But when the sidebars are locked, the 
tiddlers must somehow fit in whatever space remains, i.e. using variable 

2) The *image map* did not work because it was *covered* (z-index) by the 
main div in NeUIemTheme, right after "<!-- tsRowBody -->". I removed 
clearfix row' from that div. Now the image map is fully clickable in Chrome 
and Opera; but still covered *in Firefox*: you can click the lower part of 
the thermometer quadrant but not the higher part. Odd?

3) *Image map hover 'animation' through jQuery* in MarkupPostHeader is still 
not working. Not sure if I can just invoke jQuery like that?

4) My page layout doesn't really use emastic properly. So I wonder if the 
extra loading time (?) is worth including that framework in my page (via the 
neui-em theme), or better start from a blank slate. But are there any 'blank 
slates' available for TiddlySpace, i.e. incorporating the TS extras wrt TW? 
I do like how neui-em displays tiddlers, though. 


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