Wolfgang, Whatever - thank you so much for your answers so far!  Let me 
describe how I use TiddlyWiki and hopefully it will clarify what I'm looking 
for in an "inline tabs" extension.

I actually use TiddlyWiki for composing long prose works - short stories, 
novels, screenplays, stage plays, etc.  TW is very good for the way I write, 
where I may get a very clear idea for individual scenes before I know how to 
put them all together into a whole.  With TW, I can open up a new tiddler, pour 
everything I know about the current scene into that tiddler, and then put tags 
on the tiddler and create references to it in other tiddlers to help me find it 
later, in the "weaving it all together" phase of the writing.

Sometimes, while I'm writing, I can see two (or more) ways to approach the 
current writing.  To give an example, if I'm bringing "on stage" a new 
character and an important object they're carrying, I may be unsure whether it 
works better to describe the character first and then the object, or the other 
way around.  What I would really like is an extension where, without breaking 
the flow of my writing, I can write quick rough versions of *both* approaches, 
and then when I put that tiddler in view mode, have those two passages appear 
as two tabs on one pane.  So, something like the following:

(syntax line indicating the start of the inline-tabs section, and the start of 
the first tab)
The book was clearly ancient, bound in leather that rotted and gave up dust at 
every careless jostle.  The cover bore no words, merely a sigil that made the 
viewer uneasy...

The man who carried the book out of the crypt seemed scarcely less ancient.  It 
was impossible for those who watched him to tell whether his filmy eyes still 
saw, or whether he navigated his way over the uneven stone flooring by feel 
(syntax line indicating the start of the second tab)
The man who carried the book out of the crypt was ancient, so ancient that, 
while living, he seemed a walking symbol of mortality.  It was impossible for 
those who watched him to tell whether his filmy eyes still saw, or whether he 
navigated his way over the uneven stone flooring by feel alone...

The book itself was clearly even more ancient, bound in leather that rotted and 
gave up dust at every careless jostle.  The cover bore no words, merely a sigil 
that made the viewer uneasy...
(syntax line indicating the end of the tabs-section)

Now, what I *could* do is to put each of those two alternate versions into an 
individual tiddler, and then write a tabs macro in the tiddler that refers to 
those two individual tiddlers.  The reason that's not an optimal solution is 
that I'm trying not to break the flow of my writing, and having to stop to 
create two individual tiddlers and then the tabs macro invoking them in the 
original tiddler is *very* flow-breaking.  I know; I've tried it.  

I can avoid the distraction of creating new individual tiddlers if I create 
sections in the current tiddler, mark them so that they don't show up in normal 
view mode but their content can still be transcluded, and then construct the 
macro invocation referring to those tiddler sections.  But this is also very 
flow-breaking, and it has the additional disadvantage that if I have another 
choice I want to study both versions of, and that choice appears in one of the 
two tab-sections, I have to establish those two sub-choices as top-level 
tiddler sections, since sections can't nest, and then create the tabs macro.  
It's like doing Reverse Polish Notation with my wiki syntax, and while I know 
how to do RPN, I'd rather be giving my brain power to the *writing* rather than 
the syntax.

While writing this, I've thought of a way I *might* be able to get the effect 
I'm looking for with Nested Sliders.  I don't know how well it will work, so 
I'll try it out and report in a few days.  Thank you for all your help!

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