>Hi Antaeus,

>Can you expand on the reason(s) why you would say that - for writing 
>storylines - tabs make your life easier?

>What's better about tabs than sections in your context? I mean, if you don't 
>want to interrupt your flow when writing, why do you want to interrupt your 
>flow when reading?

>Is there some hidden idea behind that? At least to me, tabs do not seem an 
>intuitive thing to come accros when reading a kind of manuscript.

>Can it be that your ultimate goal is to be able to construct your preferred 
>storyline from individual choices that you want to toggle but ultimately 
>actually mark the ones that you like best?

Tobias, that's exactly what my ultimate goal is.   Sometimes I'll write several 
different versions of a scene, or a part of a scene, and I'll have to look back 
and forth between all the different versions I've written, comparing them, 
trying to figure out how I can combine the best parts of each attempt to make 
the final version.

At the *end* of the process, I'll have everything boiled down to one single 
final draft version, but while I'm trying to get to that final version, being 
able to toggle between the different versions would be extremely helpful.

>So maybe it's really not about tabs but about being able to have alternative 
>parts of a tiddler that you want to hide / display / flick through and here 
>you ultimately select one... and perhaps depending on your first choice a 
>secondary subchoice.

Exactly!  Tabs would be an easy UI element to flip between those alternative 
parts, but another element that did the same thing would also work.

>If that's the idea behind it... what would be the markup that you would need 
>inside these tabs... would simple text suffice or would you also need to be 
>able to put lists or headings etc?


Headings, probably not.  Lists...  perhaps.  Italics, strong text, wikilinks: 
definitely.  Nested sliders: I would really like these - I use the "floating" 
version to make notes to myself.

Thank you!

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