On Thu, 22 Nov 2012, dickon wrote:

I think that Tiddlyspace should congratulate itself on achieving 6000 users
with really no marketing at all.

Thanks for the long and thoughtful response. I'll add some bits to the
roadmap spaces. Some comments below for sake of conversation...

First, selfishly, *don't do anything that will break the stuff that is
already there* - the AMBIT project now have over 30 mental health teams

Yeah, we intend to keep the core tiddlywiki properly functional
throughout whatever changes are made. In fact given sufficient resources
the hope is to make the tiddlywiki functionality better, overcoming
some of the browser based limitations that are hurting file-based
tiddlywiki's value proposition.

That "sufficient resources" bit is rather key, however.

Second, *get clearer about a few core things that you think people can do
with TiddlySpace* - what distinguishes it from other places in the web?

Bizarre question, but would you, as a trained inquisitor have any
interest in helping to tease that out? Most of our conversations about
such things tend to spiral into confusion, too much abstraction or
even despair.

Third* ask non-programmers what they think/want/like.*..

A big reason for the somewhat focus on dev-oriented people is because
the projects need more technical contributions in order to thrive.
We don't lack for ideas or plans. What we lack is consistent energy to
apply them. So the hope is that if we can generate some external
code contributions some of the gaps can be buttressed if not filled.

But that, of course, is just one course of action and many sources of
input need to be consulted.

  - What got me interested (as a non-techie) in tiddlywiki first was the
  ease with which I found I could write a fairly complex website that used
  links and tags to organise pages of information; it was the "*non-linear*"
  style of writing that fired me up.

There are seeds of interest within BT for re-implementing TiddlyDocs
style functionality with tiddlers but without tiddlywiki. This would
provide some more functionality for hypertext authoring if it happens.

But yes, it fires me up too. I've seen two styles of non-linearity:

* Write in long form and then decompose to chunks (the extraclusion
  style) that can be reused.
* Write in chunks and the compose to longer forms (the transclusion
  and "story" style).

I _think_ those may be the Dentist and Rustonian styles, if we want to
use tiddly personality to describe it.

  - Then, with the advent of tiddlySpace, it was the* inclusion* idea that
  seemed intrinsically beautiful,

Yes. AMBIT has done a great job using that feature presumably because
it was in the know as well as along for the early ride. Casual
visitors don't get a very good introduction, which is unfortunate.

*Conference?:* This leads me to suggest that one way forward would be to
think about that old fashioned idea of getting people together to share how
they are using TS...

This is a good idea. Ideally I'd hope that something like this would
be pushed by the community rather than the "core" (whatever that is).
There's two reasons for that:

* resourcing issues
* the community doing it would ensure it was more what it needs to be

I and/or Osmosoft could certainly help to orchestrate something
(provide space for example).

*Featured Spaces: *I have looked at the "featured

Good ideas. I'll summarize to @tsroadmap.

  - In general (an old chestnut I know) I suggest finding a budget to pay
  someone to write some really good user-friendly documentation (I have tried
  to write my own for the Tiddlymanuals

Saying "needing documentation is an old chestnut" is itself become
quite an old chestnut.

Incredible resource, incredible work from all of you who understand the
under-the-hood workings, incredibly grateful for the creativity and hard
graft that has got us this far.  Thank you.

Thank you for doing something meaningful with it.

Chris Dent                                   http://burningchrome.com/

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