IMO the current menu solutions contain too many compromises and are too 
static. This is a bit surprising considering how flexible TW is. Yes, 
Morris Gray did us a favor with the great 
TreeView<>plugin (or the 
variant <> I prefer). It 
comes close but is too rigid. 
TagglyTagging<>also has merit. I've 
dabbled with 
NestedSliders <> and while I 
think this can be a great starting point, I have been unable to make 
something good (due to incompetence in coding). In summary... the ultimate 
menu simply does not exist yet., here is an outline for a more TW'esque design:

1) A tree-like structre that automatically sorts itself alphabetically (or 
other order, as in eg Taggly).
2a) Items (branches, sub-branches or leafs) are added via tagging or 
possibly by field value. I.e If a branch is called Foo, tagging a tiddler 
with Foo automatically makes it show up in that branch.
2b) ...but you can also control to have it not show up. (Perhaps, again, 
via some other tag. "NotInMenu")
3) Like in TreeView, each branch title is a tiddler, meaning you can click 
the title to open that tiddler but you can also click the title to instead 
open the branch to see the sub-items, i.e without opening the branch 
tiddler itself. I really like the 'variant' of TreeView mentioned above 
with a kind of fixed-width button. Clicking the title on the button opens 
that tiddler, clicking elsewhere on button opens branch in menu.

Here come the bazookas:

The content of each such button or 'branch heading' is "dynamic":
4) You can use (and easily set) the branch title to be an optional name 
instead of the tiddler name, as with [[optional 
name|InsteadOfOriginalName]]. (For instance, have branch title say 
Programmer*s* (plural) but still tag individual sub-tiddlers with only 
Programmer.) The alphabetical position for this branch should probably also 
sort by optional name, not the original name, meaning that you are freer to 
rearrange tiddlers. A nice aspect with this is also that this allows longer 
original tiddler names without necessarily botching the menu.
5) ...or if rearranging is really serious, you can do what 
TiddlyDocs<>allows: You can freely 
rearrange branches and/or sub-branches (there: 
"chapters, paragraphs"). There it's even done via drag'n-drop. I'm guessing 
that sorting is by some field value and that rearrangement adapts these 
values accordingly.
6) You can add other stuff to the button (or next to it), for instance a 
"add new" button (to add sub-tiddlers), a checkbox (to tag/untag 
something), a hover-note, a link (to tiddler or maybe even external file), 
some indication showing if the branch has sub-tiddlers, some indication the 
branch title (ie that tiddler) has text content, ... 
7) The whole thing does not clog memory, or it is at least controlled when 
it does so (I'm referring to that MainMenu renders on loading the TW. Note 
NetedSliders has an option to prevent rendering until the slider is opened.)
8) Does not crash from loops / circular tagging - subbranch can contain 
8a) .. and ideally also displays this in some way. (Perhaps: *parent - 
child - [subchildren] - parent* and then stop, i.e other than the parent 
name, no info is repeated.)

I have yet further ideas but I think the above may be overwhelming enough 

I believe a great menu would be of value for the whole TW community.



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