On Mon, 2 Mar 2015, Tobias Beer wrote:

Not knowing how "socialuser" works, I think it's a bit of a problem /
challenge to fiddle these things out every time you wish to implement
TiddlyWeb... while sounding simply, user management / authentication /
registration workflows have their challenges that do require some well
designed workflows / components / processes.

Unfortunately this is probably true, in no small part because people
have widely varying preferences for what is appropriate for user
management. For example some people prefer not to use Tank because
it requires one of a google, github or facebook account to log in. I
chose that, however, so that Tank has _zero_ knowledge of (or even
interaction with) a user's password.

One reason user management workflows aren't built into TiddlyWeb is
because one size won't fit all.

Chris Dent                                   http://burningchrome.com/

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