
I experimented a bit with Google’s QR API and found a way to send tiddlers 
in vcard format to my phone to import in my address book. My macro takes a 
tiddler title as input and optionally a size: 

To transform a tiddler into a QR code use 

<<qr-tid "Tiddler Title">> 


<<qr-tid "Tiddler Title" size:540>>


\define qr-tid(tiddler,size:354)
<$wikify name="text" text=<<qr-urlencode """$tiddler$""">>>
<$macrocall $name="qr-code" text=<<text>> size=$size$/>

\define qr-code(text,size:354)

\define qr-urlencode(tiddler)
<$view format="urlencoded" tiddler="""$tiddler$"""/>


If you want to test, you can import a .vcf file like mine 
<http://thomas-elmiger.ch/files/Elmiger-Thomas-Staempfli.vcf> directly by 
dropping it on your wiki. 

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