
Round Two! :-)

I'm immensely enjoying using your ToDoNow. Over the last several days I 
have been using it constantly (the version from "hacks" with rich sorting). 
I have comments that I hope you may find relevant.

*PRIORITY ISSUES*: This is what I have most to comments on...

*A - Setting Priority*

   1. In Priority Sort Order...
   2. ... I click to change the priority (toggle order = 3 -> 2, 2 -> 1, 1 
   -> 3) but on just ONE CLICK the item IMMEDIATELY MOVES to its new 
   3. ...BUT that is NOT what I want in all cases...
   4. ...SO I have to browse down or filter and locate the item again and 
   click it again. 
   5. The longer the list gets the more awkward this gets.

I suggest ... *Priority Setting Change is done through a simple single 
entry box that allows you to enter ONE CHARACTER* to set priority (also see 
next on using letters, as well as numbers).

*B - Priority Flexibility*

I noticed that when editing a ToDo Tiddler you can set the priority field 
to ANYTHING. In MY usage that is GOOD. Why? ...

   - By giving a SINGLE LETTER to the Priority field to some items I can 
   track things that are NOT part of Projects but which I do need to pay 
   attention to and have deadlines for. Using single letters lets me keep them 

   - Also, by having NOTHING in the Priority field I am able to keep at the 
   top a few "Master Notes". These are NOT themselves priorities, they are not 
   tasks. They are instructions to myself about HOW to co-ordinate what I am 
   doing. Seeing them first in the list is very useful.
*FYI, in addition to 1,2,3, I'm using ...*

[Empty] = Important notes to self.
B = Birthday.
L = Long Date (e.g. renewal dates for contracts, or when Tax is due. These 
are NOT projects but GREAT to have them listed in context.)
P = Project. For when I'm developing project ideas, but the Project has not 
gone live yet.
U = Unassigned. Anything else I'd like to have note of.

*NOTES ON APPEARANCE*: The whole thing is very elegant already. But a few 
comments ...

   - In your notes you mention that the calendar might be replaced with a 
   STOPWATCH. For my usage I think that is a good idea: (1) it looks neater; 
   (2) it expresses the purpose better, as these are DEADLINES.

   - I think the ORDER of the ICONS might be improved like this ...

   1. Calendar / Stopwatch
   2. Priority
   3. Move to ToDoNow (the "up" chevron)
   4. Edit
   5. Ellipsis 

   - I DON'T think you need the word "Project:" next to the dropdown. The 
   filter explains itself because of its location.
*ARCHIVING*: You mention in your notes that to do lists get unwieldy unless 
you have an easy way to move stuff OFF them. I agree. A few comments...

   - In the ToDoDone section an icon (a "down" chevron?) that re-tags the 
   Tiddler "*ToDoPast*" that moves it off the main Tiddler. 
   - Create a listing Tiddler for "ToDoPast" of a similar visual layout, 
   but NOT to have the complexity of the main Tiddler. 
   - I would NOT need any sort options or filters or anything like that. 
   The ORDER could be the MODIFIED DATE the item entered ToDoDone (maybe that 
   is difficult? Since to move it to "ToDoPast" you have to change the tag & 
   that changes the date? I'm not clear how that works).
   - A simple SEARCH filter. NO other filters. 
   - I suggest it might have ONLY the following ICONS ...

   1. Move back to ToDo (an "up" chevron)
   2. DELETE

The point is that real use in always through the ToDoNow Main Tiddler and 
you need to move things back there if you are seriously working on them 

*REPORTING*: This is an aspect that I'm still unclear on. I have some 
observations/early thoughts... Probably slightly confusing. Ask if anything 
in here I need to make clearer ...

*Report Thoughts, A*

   - In the example report Tiddler you give on your "hacks" TW you filter 
   on "Last x Days". *That seems intuitively right to me for active work. *

   - Reporting can get extremely complicated. But given what TW can do more 
   complex, "bespoke", lists, complex reporting can be left to users to do for 
   themselves ...

   - ... for instance, in MY USE CASE, I already put together different 
   kinds of reports that include transclusions of checklist Tiddlers, not just 
   re-presenting the ToDoNow listings. 

   - *SO. As far as I can see, filtering for "Last x Days" gives a good 
   enough general report. Anything beyond that I need to craft myself.*
*Report Thoughts, B*

   - More than the reporting scope, I got interested in the PRESENTATION. 
   This is because, in my case, I need to produce neat PRINTED reports.

   - *It struck me that the layout is more or less ideal already*. SO, I 
   have a suggestion ...

   1. Rather than have a separate reporting Tiddler ..
   2. ... have the "Last x Days Report" filter be available on the main 
   Tiddler ...
   3. ... WHEN it has any value entered in it, it would (I do NOT know how 
   you would actually do this! :-) activate a CSS change such that ... (a) All 
   unneeded buttons, separators etc would be hidden. (b) And a box would be 
   revealed to allow entry of a REPORT TITLE.
   4. The user could then use the "View in New Window" option to print out 
   a neat report.
   5. User would clear the "Last x Days Report" filter and everything 
   returns to normal.

Hope this is all clear. And NOT too much to have to read!

Very best wishes

On Sunday, 22 January 2017 20:04:16 UTC+1, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Hi Josiah 
> Guess you were playing with the version on /hacks.html – this is where I 
> am working (not plugin-ified. 
> The (old) plugin is only on /plugins.html 
> Cheers, 
> Thomas 

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