Instead of another unrecognized 3rd-party system, why not have a page that 
lists and describes Plugins at Similar to the community 
listings except consolidated in one page. The individual description 
tiddlers could follow a standard format so people could copy and submit 
(possibly right to this forum) new plugins.


On Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 4:21:44 AM UTC-7, Mat wrote:
> In another thread, fellow Josiah asked the folowing. Rather than hijacking 
> that thread I'm replying here:
> ....
> Mat, could you write a plugin that records plugins?
> Regarding my own plugins, I should get my TWaddle site active again, to 
> list them. (I've started working a little on this.)
> Generally, I hope people know about Erwan's TiddlyWiki Community Search 
> <>. It allows you to search 
> all tiddlers on TWs that have been "reported" to it and it performs an 
> automated *daily update* to show which tiddlers (plugins etc) that have 
> been updated. BUT, again, it can only scan TWs that have been 'reported' to 
> it or TWs that are listed in a "root wiki", 
> <>i.e a TW 
> that links to other TWs. As evidenced, even if it scans daily (and it 
> does), the reporting bit is a bottleneck. (For example, I don't have it in 
> mind when creating my own plugins, which are on separate tiddlyspot 
> domains, and while TWaddle IS a reported root wiki it is currently passive, 
> so...)
> Also, ironically, the Community Search project suffers from the very 
> problem it aims to solve: It is not obvious how one should get informed 
> about its existence.
> * what we really need* is a system where *ones own wiki* performs 
> such a scan. And somehow you could get recommendations, via your scans, for 
> other wikis or plugins or whatever.
> Yes, TWederation. 
> Let me add that we have the pieces for this in place and it works. It is, 
> however, still not polished and it is currently too slow to be practical.
> For those that don't know, here's a quick run thought on how it could be 
> designed:
> *How to find plugins / tiddlers / whole TWs*Similar to how the native 
> plugin library works, there can be a default feature in standard TW to 
> "Fetch"... i.e to scans the wikis you "subscribe" to, to get you tiddlers 
> or other information. You decide to subscribe to, and you decide what 
> tiddlers to actually fetch from the TWs you subscribe to.
> *How do you know what wikis you can subscribe to? How do you find them?*
> The main route is via wikis you *already* subscribe to, i.e other peoples 
> wikis that in turn subscribe to other wikis and so you can peek on their 
> lists. That is a "quality stamp". Or someone even has a tiddler with 
> @<yourname> and recommends stuff for you.
> But how did anyone find any wikis to begin with? Well, that's easy because 
> it is only *cruciual* for kicking things off. We could have a listing on 
> or even in the discussion forum. 
> *The key here is information that is created out of individuals personal 
> incentive for quality in their own TWs.* You *care* about which plugins 
> you have installed. This is "stamp of quality", and I'm curious to see 
> which those plugins are. Everyone has an *incentive *to curate their 
> plugins or really all of their tiddlers. This is in stark contrast to rely 
> on single individuals efforts to keep some external list curated.
> And the TWederation plugin itself (again, think of the existing "Plugin 
> Library") could come with a "recommended-subscriptions-list" and this is 
> kept up to date by... you guessed it; fetching. (And who curates *that* 
> list? It's too detailed to go into that here but, trust me, it's not a 
> problem.)
> *One limitation is that you can only subscribe/fetch from TWs that are 
> online.*True, but many are. Especially if we're talking about TWs where 
> people present their plugins.
> The result is an infrastructure that doesn't rely on a single individual 
> to keep track of everything but instead aggregates small tidbits that 
> several people make about several issues.
> It is also an infrastructure that would easify development of the 
> infrastructure itself. You can easily be informed about plugins that 
> enhance TWederation!
> *...that is the concept of TWederation.*
> <:-)

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