Ciao Mark S.

Got it. NESTED SPANS. Legal HTML. That TW can't do through WikiText (as far 
as I can see).

Its an interesting issue. There is more than one thing going on in it: (1) 
nesting issue and (2) failed concatenation of styles/classes).

As far as I currently grasp it the "@@" markup in TW (on spans) can't 
differentiate nests via the parser because there is NO MARKUP FOR NESTING 
of spans---in particular there is NO explicit indication of CLOSURE in 
WikiText, open and close are just simple identical pairs. This probably 
explains it better ...

Case 1. Text before span ... @@All I'm saying is @@ I WANT TO BE NESTED@@, 
but I'm not.@@

Case 2. Text before span ... @@All I'm saying is @@ nesting ain't happening 
bro. @@ and I don't care.@@

So the basic parser looks like its limited to the more conservative Case 2.

On test I can confirm* using HTML explicit span*s with Wiki Text does 
render correctly ... This ...

Test span that takes HTML span nested: @@background:lightgreen; 
with green background <span style="text-decoration:underline">and spanned 

... renders as (wrapped for reading) ...

<p>Test span that takes HTML span nested: <span class="tc-inline-style" 
style="background:lightgreen;"> with green background 
<span style="text-decoration:underline">and spanned underline</span>.</span></p>

Best wishes

Mark S. wrote:
> When I said, nested, I meant nested inside each other (<span class=stuff> 
> My stuff <e.g. span class=otherstuff>Both stuffs</span> end of first span 
> </span>)

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