Ciao Vytas

Thanks. I thought your replies very interesting. Especially the questions 
around purpose. *The WHY coming before the HOW in your questions is exactly 
like what I was originally thinking about.*

Vytas wrote:
> The topic “human memory vs its outsourcing” to handwritten notes, google 
> or TiddlyWiki technology seems to be really interesting. 
> ... reliance on googling ... which leads towards consuming of 
> fragmented/scattered pieces of information without constructing of deeper 
> relations to within ONE‘s own mind integrated knowledge and experience.
> ... if you heavily relate on your notes, you lose the chance to 
> reconstruct/ORGANICALLY recollect once acquired knowledge.

IMO part of the issue is that cognitively its getting increasingly 
difficult to stand apart from the extant software enough to envision other 
approaches. Since software started, and then the net, various kinds of 
"models" of human creation and interaction have come to dominate. Its not a 
conspiracy or anything like that, rather just about getting a few 
approaches that work (commercially) upfront. However, I think it has also 
had a negative, narrowing effect. Just articulating the kind of questions 
you are (rightly) asking can get difficult as there is no common 
understanding of that issue.

Personally, FWIW, when I think about these issues I try to avoid thinking 
about computing per se, concentrating more on human MEANING MAKING. Once 
you get to writing & computers direct "meaning" is already a step way as 
these are technologies you need to master in order to express intent 

ORAL cultures are very interesting for how they deal with Meaning and 
Memory that I think have much broad relevance. There is a lot of work on 
this by anthropologists and linguists that "think it anew". FWIW, probably, 
one of the finest general works introducing it is Walter Ong's "Orality & 

I'll make a second reply shortly.

Best wishes

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