I, too, am a new user [about 2 weeks in] ... I consider myself to be 
somewhere in-between totally non-techy and somewhat-knowledgeable-techy.  
Unfortunately, as frustrating as it is, I have to come to grips with the 
fact that I am just not cut out to understand programming on any level.  

I started my TW5 journey by reading *everything* on the TW5 site, as well 
as following every link to other sites I could find. [Information overload, 

When I read the TW5 site, I didn't understand most of what I was reading at 
the time.  Now that I am trying to implement my own Wikis, *some* of it is 
starting to make some sense, but a lot of it still doesn't yet.  I find the 
explanations are usually way over my head.  Even the majority of the posts 
on this mailing list are way over my head, but I am *really* trying to 
understand as much as I can to get the most out of TW5 because I recognize 
it's value and flexibility.

As for the most complete resources to what other people have done with TW5 
are Dave's dynalist ... which I only *just* found the other day since I 
read about it in one of these forum posts.  The other fairly complete list 
was on a reddit page.  

One of the other major things I'm finding is that *most* of what is out 
there is so old [as in prior to 2017], that I am constantly wondering if 
the information is still valid today [despite the future-proofing 
principle].  The other thing I am finding, is I don't want to waste time 
re-inventing wheels if somebody has already created a plugin / widget to do 
it far better than I could possibly do on my own any way. 

What I have resorted to doing is bookmarking the TW5 site, as well as 
Dave's DL.  I have also downloaded a whole lot of demos for solutions that 
*somewhat* appeal to me to try sometime down the road when I am a lot more 
familiar with TW5.  

To be honest, the wiki's that do *solely* one thing only, together with the 
documentation and examples of exactly how to do that one thing well [with 
maybe some reasons as to WHY this way is better than other ways?] have been 
the most helpful to me at this point.  I NOW know that I can import it 
straight into one of my wikis, and then experiment from there.  This has 
been a very helpful way of expanding my understanding of what TW5 is 
capable of.

Also, just yesterday, I started yet another wiki ... to be used as my own 
TW5 "knowledge base" ... why?  Because the way I organize things seems to 
be totally different than the way most of you do ... and this way I can 
find it more quickly when I need it.  Obviously, this is going to be an 
ongoing work in progress, and should it ever get to the place where I think 
it may benefit others, I will follow another recent tutorial I found on 
creating my own GitHub Pages and upload it, and share it with the rest of 
the community.  

My purpose in responding in this thread is to give some perspective from a 
new user who really doesn't have anywhere near the technical skills most of 
you do.  That being said ... I also want to thank all of you for what all 
the work and time you invest into this project.  I *highly* respect what 
each of you bring to the table as a community to share your knowledge and 
expertise with the rest of us.  I have found nothing but very quick and 
respectful help to people who have questions, or who need help on figuring 
something out.  I appreciate that ... *very* much!


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