All ...

This is a fabulous thread! It seriously thought about issues of 
"starting-out with TW." 

I really appreciate the detailed posts by "s. s." 
(!topic/tiddlywiki/y7THOx9VJtQ) and 
( Its 
important if you are interested in broader reach for TW to understand, 
specifically, the needs of potential users who guess it can help them but 
just want to get on with it, not spend weeks figuring out what is going on.

Regarding the OP, the issue was, in a way, whether "empty" is "too empty" 
-- especially with regards to a TOC. I agree in the sense that "empty" is, 
in many ways a "tabula rasa" (blank slate) that can be confusing. But it 
has much merit NOT getting too structured too early.

I'm also skeptical that adding a "standard" TOC to "empty" will solve the 
"newbie" problem in the way needed. This is because the KIND of TOC needed 
would vary by the FUNCTIONAL needs of the user. For instance, has a TOC for **its** purpose ... but someone writing a 
novel would need a different TOC structure; and a person writing and 
publishing Tweets to Twitter a different one again; or a gamer with yet 
other needs; so too a blogger.

The key point I think I'm trying to get to is that uptake would be improved 
with more "Start Wiki" -- One for programmers, one for fiction writers, one 
for social networkers etc. To some extent "editions" available via provide some of that. But they are "bare-bones" (and need to 
be because Central Services can't possibly deal with all the variant 
potential usages). So by "Start Wiki" I'm meaning TW that are more 
replete--for instance a "Novelists Starter Kit TW" might include plugins 
for organising tiddlers by, say, "Chapter"? (Thomas Elmigers "ListReveal" 
would to that very well--probably fat better than a TOC in a menu)

In other words, I think the broader issue is  as much about having a larger 
"showcase" of TW implementations. I'd say the "TOC issue" is simply *A* 
signal of the lack of "Start Wiki".

Those are my current reflections.

Best wishes

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