Mark S. (and any interested hackers)

That's EXACTLY the problem I see with using TiddlyWiki "live" as it were: 
trying to take notes on a live lecture or video presentation is 
tremendously painful in Tiddlywiki if you're trying to impose any order on 
the fly.  Moving from keyboard to mouse and back constantly makes the 
process largely unworkable with any serious time constraints.

I love TW for its organizational and relational capabilities, but for 
getting down information quickly, it's not my first choice.  Tools like 
TiddlyMap can help here if properly utilized, and there are others, but 
they still leave you with the same problem: lots of kb to mouse to kb 
movement.  This is seriously distracting when you're trying to "keep up" 
with a live event, or get something out of your head quickly.

That said, I do have an idea I'd like to float to anyone interested:  A 
killer plugin for TW would be a button that opens a new text entry window 
or frame.  Inside this otherwise blank frame, the user can type as fast as 
they are able, utilizing markdown or html (as in any standard tiddler), 
thus providing whatever formatting they see fit on the fly.  Yes, I know, 
you're thinking "you can do this with any tiddler right now, so what?"  
Well, here's where things get neat (in my head at least)...

So far, the above largely mimics the general editing screen of StackEdit, 
so no big deal, but what if you were able to use a keystroke combination in 
this editor pane to insert a new tiddler framework.  So for example, if I 
press <CTRL+SHIFT+N> (or whatever - the choice doesn't matter much as long 
as it doesn't mess up anything else), this editor pane inserts something 
similar to the following:


And then positions the cursor directly under these inserted fields, for 
data entry.  Now, the above entries were taken from a .tid file I exported 
from one of my tiddlers, so there's more in there than is necessary for a 
new tiddler, but you get the idea.  Now, I can already hear someone saying 
"you can do that right now by just copying this minimal framework to the 
clipboard", and that's true, but using a key binding would allow me to 
cut/paste text as I go for the editing I'm discussing, and that's 
important.  It'd be really impressive if the fields pasted with the custom 
key combination could be customized, so I could add fields as necessary for 
my specific wiki.

I understand, there's nothing specifically remarkable about what I'm 
suggesting above.  Assuming I've gone back to each of these pasted field 
sections shown above, and entered relevant information (title, tags, etc.), 
or had the information auto-populated (dates, modifier, etc.), then we have 
the basics for any number of individual tiddlers in text/markup form, all 
contained on this one edit panel.  After I'm done editing and taking notes, 
the magic plugin I'm thinking of would at this point allow me to press a 
"parse" or "finish" (or whatever) button, and it would parse the text I'd 
entered, separate the individual tiddlers at the appropriate points (using 
the populated fields listed as examples above), and create appropriate 
tiddlers in the TW file, properly tagged, linked, and stored as if I'd 
created them via the mouse interface one at a time.  Think of the time 
savings this would permit for live or rapid work, and still give us the 
organizational benefits of TW over an editor like StackEdit.

>From my perspective, if you want to win users over from DynaList, 
StackEdit, or some of the other tools mentioned earlier in this thread, 
that'd be a quick (and really slick) way to squash some of the usability 
issues discussed here.  If anyone knows of a plugin that does this right 
now, please let me know, I'd love to try it out.

Regardless, I'd like to thank all the regulars here who do so much good 
work with this wonderful tool.

On Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 2:59:12 PM UTC-8, Mark S. wrote:
>  Hi Tony,
> Sorry to hear you're having some health problems. Hope everything turns 
> out OK for you.
> Dynalist and Scrivener are easy to pick up. Org-mode isn't too hard either 
> as long as you stick with the basics.
> In all of these, I think, you create a new entry, promote/demote it, or 
> move it in the hierarchy -- without your fingers leaving the keyboard! You 
> can work uninterrupted, concentrating on the text, not fiddling with the 
> tech.
> One of the weaknesses in TW is how much you have to use the mouse for. You 
> create a new tiddler (by clicking on a button). Then you go back to the 
> keyboard. Then you tab down and the tags appear. How to get rid of them ? 
> Turns out you can tab and then space. But then you have to tab through all 
> the edit fields before you can get to the text field. But you can't see 
> which edit tool you're on (at least I can't), so what's the point? Most of 
> the edit tools are useless unless you're already down in the text box, so 
> wouldn't it be better to tab right into the text field? There also doesn't 
> seem to be anyway to tab into the tag field. So you're stuck using the 
> mouse again.
> And I haven't even gotten to the part about how you're going to be 
> breaking text into tiddlers, but the tiddlers will have to be managed with 
> some list or contrivance if you want to view or edit them in proper 
> sequence. Otherwise they'll just appear in the "recent" tab in whichever 
> order they were created.
> Speed. I've mentioned this before. In my heyday I could type 120wpm. More 
> normally I could type 60wpm. Today 40 isn't impossible. But the refresh 
> cycle on TW is constantly tripping up input, making the experience 
> sluggish. The experience varies by platform, browser, and memory usage I 
> think. But I don't expect to have typing problems *ever*.
> There's also issues with the default edit font. The edit fonts are 
> non-mono, and way too small on small devices. Yes, I know, I can tweak 
> them. 
> These are all reasons why typing and writing on TW isn't optimal. I'm not 
> saying impossible, just not comfortable.
> -- Mark

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