I believe Android made tweaks to the access system at 4.4 (causing 
thousands of apps to stop functioning), 5, and 6. There are a lot of 
subtleties. Like *apps* should be able to use the external drive for 
private activities, even if the card hasn't been formatted for private use. 
But your other apps won't be able to access that space, except through your 
own application.

When they say they're concerned about "security", what they're really 
trying to secure is *you*. Forget about hackers, what they really want is 
to secure the system for DRM. When everything is served through custom 
apps, it becomes much harder to offload or bootleg content. The upshot is 
that they also want to wean us off the idea of "files". Internally, 
everything needs to be handled through content "providers", rather than 
simple files. In the future, there will be no more files, only services 
from which videos can be played, music can be listened, documents can be 
written, or books read. My understanding, such as it is, is that something 
similar is happening with the Apple devices, so if you want to plug  in an 
external device, you also have to run an app that can serve specific 
content (videos, images, music) from those devices.

-- Mark

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 4:12:41 AM UTC-8, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Mark S. wrote:
>> Re reports, at the moment, for saving I'm interested in:
>> * Were you saving to internal or external drive?
> Footnote about this ... in my understanding initially Android allowed full 
> access to save anywhere on the phone. Then that was withdrawn for security 
> reasons. The it was re-allowed from version 6 provided you followed a 
> specific procedure. (though some apps., like file browsers and cameras can 
> have elevated privileges without that).
> I think there is a terminology problem in that both the methods and 
> descriptions have changed over Android versions.
> Here is an example: You can slide in an "external" SD card (on Andriod 
> 8.0.0) and it shows in settings as "Portable Storage" by default. But you 
> "format" it either so it can remain removable or format it as "internal 
> storage." In the latter case is gets more integrated into the system and is 
> easier to save to but can no longer be plugged into another system.
> In my specific setup I have a "plugin SD" that is not formatted for 
> "internal storage." The phone has enough storage I don't need to convert 
> it. In Quinoid I can load TW from the Plugin Storage but not save to it.
> My explanation leaves out many subtleties (performance; methods) but I 
> think gets over there are user configuration issues in play for Quinoid of 
> Android setup that are not that transparent.
> FWIW, I found this article useful to read: 
> https://www.howtogeek.com/242937/how-to-set-up-a-new-sd-card-in-android-for-extra-storage/
> Best wishes
> Josiah

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