I think I sort of buried the lede in the last release post for Bob, but one 
of the new features is that it can now get plugins directly from GitHub 
repos. You can just give it the URL and it will fetch the plugin and save 
it to your library of plugins so it is available to all of your wikis.

I have tried to make a version for single file wikis, and it works, aside 
from my nemesis, CORS headers. From a browser you can't download the zip 
files from GitHub because they don't have CORS set up to let you do that. 
You may be able to down load specific files, but from what I have been able 
to find you can only do that if you know the names of the individual files. 
So the only realistic way I have been able to come up with for a single 
file wiki to get and build plugins directly from GitHub requires some sort 
of relay server. Bob could act as this server, but if you have Bob running 
it would be easier to just get the plugins with Bob and then either make 
your wiki in Bob and save it as a single file wiki, or use TWederBob to 
fetch the plugin from Bob.

So, for anyone who was able to follow my rambling, is it worth setting up 
Bob as a relay like this? A publicly accessible Bob server like on 
ooktech.xyz could also act as a relay which may make the relay idea much 
more useful. But so far I don't think anyone is really using the plugin 
library there so I have no idea if anyone would care.

The next part is about Bob itself. Currently Bob is quite large, about 
750kb, which is around half the size of an empty wiki. On slow connections 
or older hardware this could add a significant amount of time to loading a 
I can modify how Bob sends wikis to the browser so that it only sends the 
required parts to the browser, which come out to around 250kb. The biggest 
problem I see with this is that you would not be able to install Bob by 
dragging and dropping the plugin into a node wiki.
My hope is that BobEXE means that isn't really necessary anymore, but I 
wanted to see how people feel about it.
Another potential concern is that you no longer get to see all of the code 
for what Bob is doing in your wiki. I don't think that this is a concern 
for most people, and the code for Bob is up on GitHub, but one part of 
tiddlywiki that I like is that you can see all of the code that is running 
right there in your browser.

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