Using FF 68.0.1 (Win8.1 64bit), NoScript disabled, private browsing & 
normal modes

Step 1 works fine

(just site id, not url, lowercase, no spaces in id)
(pw, combination of lowercase, uppercase & numbers, londer than 5 

(going to the url for the new wiki, it shows the classic TW layout and 
control panel for tiddlyspot, so I assume Step 1 worked)

Step 2, no visible results (doesn't initiate Step 3), tried both the Step's 
uplosd button and the TW stock save button, gave it more than enough time 
to do something, 10 minutes orso

(used same id (not url) & pw from Step 1)
(got an error msg (id and password don't match) when I refreshed and forgot 
to put the site id in, just pw, so I got some signs of life from Step 2)
(putting in incorrect id or pw doesn't evoke the warning message)

Is Chrome still the browser to use to initially set up/install the wiki?

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