Quite interesting ...

I like the idea, having a repo, that doesn't change weekly.
I also like the idea, using the newest stuff.

I think, having the core moved to github, can provide both.

I feel comfortable if a stable core moves on every half a year of even
every year.

On the other hand, I think the core needs to react more quickly, if
there is a major jQuery release. I think the decision, to use it,
created this dependency. At least, there should be a beta, available
immidiately. Having a new (stable) core release IMO can wait until
there is the first bugfix version. (http://docs.jquery.com/Roadmap no
need to have 2 (stable) core releases within one month).

I have no problem, if there are 2 (beta) releases within one month.

Since github is a network of trust, every user can decide, which core
to use. If you like the conservative approach, go with the
conservative core. If you like the community approach, go with the
community core, if there is one.

I think this is very common, with open source projects. In the long
run both will win.

I think backwards compatibility is important. And I think the TW core
does very well. But as a user, I don't expect, a 4-5 year old plugin
to work with the newest core. It is a nice to have. But if it means
the core development, needs to be inactive, no thanks. (long live IE6)

And I also think it isn't necessary. Think of TiddlySpace. Every
plugin, that programmatically saved a tiddler was broken due to
missing fields. At the very beginning there were some posts in the
group. But since several month. Nothing ... Either, the users don't
use these plugins anymore, or they got them fixed. There was no need
to stop the core.


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