On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Adam Tkac <at...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to propose change of our default version control system -
> from SVN to Git. Let me try to explain main advantages of such change.
> 1. Easier development of new major features
> Development of major features is quite ugly in SVN. Even if we create
> a branch and then merge it, it usually consists of huge number of
> commits in random order, many of them revert or modify earlier
> patches. It obviously makes further review of patches harder.
> In Git it is pretty easy to do development in local branch and then
> send patches when they are really ready. Patches could be very easily
> restructured so development history looks nicer and patch review is
> very straight-forward because changes can be logically separated and
> each change is already done and you don't have to look if some next
> commit doesn't modify same part of code.
> 2. "Regression hunting" is far more easier
> Sometimes we get report that "something worked in previous version but
> now doesn't". When I would like to check which commit introduced
> regression I have to use git-svn utility and then use git-bisect.
> Without Git it's quite hard to find which commit caused problems.
> 3. No Internet, no development
> Every operation, like print of development history or print diff
> between specific revisions need Internet connectivity. Without
> access to central SVN repository development is quite hard.
> Additionaly I hate when I have to wait for every operation with
> repository. It is simply annoying.
> 4. Authorship of patches
> There is no possibility to keep authorship of patch in SVN. If someone
> send us a patch then commit author is someone of us. We can only
> mention in commit message that patch author is person X. With Git you
> can easily preserve original authorship.
> I believe there are far more arguments for Git which I didn't mention
> above - in my opinion it is far more better version control system for
> projects than SVN.
> Comments are welcomed :)
> Regards, Adam
> --
> Adam Tkac, Red Hat, Inc.

If TigerVNC is supposed to improve on TightVNC, which is inherently
cross-platfrom code base, shouldn't you use a DVCS that is... I dunno,
maybe, cross platform?

Maybe Mercurial? Or I guess Bazaar? Git doesn't seem like the right choice
for this particular project...
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