How accurate?
What frequency range?
What spectral performance (harmonics, spurs)?

One thing to watch out for on testing with very low level signals is leakage 
out of the signal generator and into the unit under test via a path other than 
the coax. When we test deep space transponders at work at very low levels 
(-160dBm), we actually use a signal generator at a different frequency and 
multiply it up externally (partly that's also because historically, the signal 
generator didn't go high enough (7.15 GHz).. But when you use a modern signal 
gen that does work at 7GHz, you've got to be more careful).
.. In any event, it doesn't take much to turn your careful and precise -160 
into -159 or -161.

On 6/19/09 5:04 AM, "Patrick" <> wrote:

Hey everyone

Sorry for the off topic post. I have received great advice in the past
with items for my little shop and I can't resist to ask again.

I am thinking about buying a signal generator. I suspect that I will
mostly use it to inject low uV/mV signals into the amplification stages
of the laboratory instruments I service.

Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated-Patrick

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