I've just sent for a "quote" for one off. The site simply sucks! There is
NO information as to how to get your hands on a small sample, a breakout
board, or anything else that a design engineer would need to make a
decision...You can get some software and data sheets, or what looks to be
a horribly expensive test box.

I was thinking this chip might make a useful replacement for my 5370A
units in my mad race to replace all the '80's and earlier HP stuff with PC
based instruments...

Attila Kinali
> On Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:57:27 +1200
> Bruce Griffiths <bruce.griffi...@xtra.co.nz> wrote:
>> > An ACAM GP2 evaluation board is available here:
>> > http://shop.omegacs.net/
>> >
>> Ignore this link as I omitted to read the fine print!!!!
> Even ignoring the link, the TDC chips by acam seem to be quite nice.
> Has anyone here designed a complete TDC for time-nuts use using
> one of their chips?
>                       Attila Kinali
> --
> If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
> If you want to walk far, walk together.
>               -- African proverb
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